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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. With RessourceLocation("modid","texturepath.png"), it leads to assets/"modid"/"path...".png. So in dev, put corresponding texture in mcp/src/minecraft/assets/modid/...
  2. The cleaner your code, the better for you and everyone reading it. I'd recommend putting @Override annotation on each method you are supposedly overriding from the parent class. If you are on Eclipse, it will give you an error message if the method isn't properly overridden. You'll be able to update faster to Mojang method changes
  3. Use @EventHandler This is a wrong error message. Textures should be loaded anyway.
  4. Your config file set looks fine to me. Don't expect it to change anything though. All of your blocks and items are final, and all your ids are initialized at 0 (default), which is probably a huge source of errors. You should set your blocks and items after getting ids from the config.
  5. The rotateBlock method looks familiar... Where do you use it ?
  6. Don't, instead put your textures within your mod jar/zip file.
  7. Line 260 of TileEntityGemCutter is: if(this.gemcutterItemStacks[0].stackSize < GemcutterRecipes.smelting().getSlot1ReduceAmount(this.gemcutterItemStacks[0]).stackSize) return false; Probably that: getSlot1ReduceAmount() returns a null (because gemcutterItemStacks[0] wasn't in gemcutterSmeltingList1). Possible solutions: -make a global try/catch for NullPointerException (and return false inside catch block) in canCut() and remove every null check (lazy) -use a null check for this case in the TileEntity canCut() method (simple) -perform a check of the given itemstack to be within the list before getting it (less simple, but re-useable)
  8. protected void passSpecialRender(EntityLiving entityliving, double d, double d1, double d2) { renderName((EntityDigimon)entityliving, entityliving, d, d1+entityliving.height/2, d2); } protected void renderName(EntityDigimon entityplayer,EntityLiving entityliving, double d, double d1, double d2) { EntityDigimon digimonScreen = entityplayer; if(Minecraft.isGuiEnabled() && (entityliving instanceof EntityDigimon) && ... Why... 1) passing two times same argument in renderName ? 2) casting to EntityDigimon before checking if it is castable ? 3) saving an argument into a local variable ? 4) using such bad variable naming ? When and where is passSpecialRender method called ? How is that supposed to do anything interesting ? public void renderModel(EntityLiving entityliving, double d, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1) { super.doRenderLiving(entityliving, d, d1, d2, f, f1); } public void doRenderLiving(EntityLiving entityliving, double d, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1) { renderModel(entityliving, d, d1, d2, f, f1); } public void doRender(Entity entity, double d, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1) { renderModel((EntityLiving)entity, d, d1, d2, f, f1); } Your code is looping here.
  9. Your itemIronStick as same id as itemIronSpade (which is from vanilla Minecraft). Your itemBedrockSword as same id as your itemIronStick. You should change this with the items constructors: <pseudo code> id1=11111; id2=22222; new itemIronStick(id1); new itemBedrockSword(id2); </pseudo code> for example. It is advised to use configuration file to give the user choice for the ids, but it is up to you.
  10. Assuming you are on 1.6, the render class should ask you for a RessourceLocation in a new method. You can return RessourceLocation("modid","texturepath.png") to set your texture.
  11. Make a new ChatMessageComponent object and set its string variable with desired message.
  12. KeyHandler should only be registered on client side. Use KeyBindingRegistry.registerKeyHandler on your client proxy for example. As a side note, Annotations are supposed to help finding issues, not fixing them.
  13. In your main mod class, at the NetworkMod annotation, did you set packetHandler=PacketManager.class and your channels {"enveloppe","package"} ?
  14. In your renderer class: if(((TileEntityStoplight) tileEntity).isPowered) { if(((TileEntityStoplight)tileEntity).isPoweredFor3Seconds) { this.mc.renderEngine.func_110577_a(stoplightGreenResourceLocation); } this.mc.renderEngine.func_110577_a(stoplightYellowResourceLocation); } else { this.mc.renderEngine.func_110577_a(stoplightRedResourceLocation); } Your missing an else statement before setting lightyellow texture.
  15. Throwing an exception when something "work". Don't you think exceptions are intended to do the opposite ? Can't you just use System.out.println("Your message here"); ?
  16. It also shows when you have no internet connexion I believe... Tried the usual manual installation procedure and still get this. (MCodingPack 7.23 and forge folder ( inside) Copying the eclipse folder (from forge to main folder) doesn't help. Or naming the main folder "mcp" for that matter. When trying to run python without "install.cmd" , got a "python_fml isn't a valid win32 application". Could it be a bad version of python or something ? I am on Vista(x86)SP2. My latest manual installation (forge worked, so I'll stick with that for the moment. edit: Forge"Readme" file says something about fernflower decompiler at http://goo.gl/PnJHp (address which doesn't work ) ? edit: Fix work for forge
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