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  1. ejer


    see? thats what i was just trying to find... how to learn simple stuff but these guys didnt understand. thank you
  2. ejer


    you are not answering my question.
  3. ejer


    Wot ok wait int totalCoins = 0; is not supose to be there lol i was just messing around with the code to try to make it work
  4. ejer


    yea i thought of that bc the other method doesnt even know what "total coins" is...
  5. ejer


    So thats what im asking... how am i going to learn simple stuff if you will only help with the complicated stuff
  6. ejer


    lol idk its not my project its from a forum post i just wanted to know whats wrong ;p https://hypixel.net/threads/guide-start-coding-minecraft-forge-mods.551741/ (scroll down to the very bottom of the first post)
  7. ejer


    Yea i told him the same... " ok accually... what are we talking about? we spammed this thread with posts about cps and pvp... i just wanted to count clicks... thats it..."
  8. ejer


    Those two statements DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING WITH the idea. I AM NOT TELLING YOU THAT IM doing this for PvP... "oh and one more thing... who said i wanted to do pvp... maybe i just want to make a clicker minigame for minecraft... " maybe i just really wanna do a gui clicker or something... "lol ppl for example on hypixel get diamond division on ranked skywars and they are not the best at pvp... im not saying that cps matters more than aim " this is just an answer for your "YEA BC CPS DOESNT MATTER MORE THAN AIM AND YOU THINK THE OTHER WAY BC IM GOD AND I CAN LOOK INTO YOUR MIND" im just answering to you... no i dont think cps matters more (you dont even need to have god aim) its just tactic
  9. ejer


    THATS WHAT IM THALING ABOUT YOU LITERALLY QUOTED "YES" AND SAID IT SAYS "NO" because im asking how do i learn easy stuff if you only wanna help me with the complicated things
  10. ejer


    public class Coins { @SubscribeEvent public void xd(ClientChatReceivedEvent event) { String message = event.message.getUnformattedText(); //message is the message which the client receives. if(message.startsWith("+") && message.contains("coins") && !message.endsWith("for being generous")) { //Checks if the coin message you got isn't the tip message String[] splittedMessage = message.split("coins"); message = splittedMessage[0].replace("+", ""); message = message.replace(" ", ""); int coins = Integer.parseInt(message); int totalCoins = 0; totalCoins = totalCoins + coins; } } @SubscribeEvent public void render(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) { if (event.isCancelable() || event.type != ElementType.EXPERIENCE) { return; } FontRenderer fRender = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj; fRender.drawString(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Coins: " + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + totalCoins, 5, 5, 0); } } totalCoins = totalCoins + coins; totalCoins cannot be resolved to a variable fRender.drawString(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Coins: " + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + totalCoins, 5, 5, 0); totalCoins cannot be resolved to a variable
  11. ejer


    lol ppl for example on hypixel get diamond division on ranked skywars and they are not the best at pvp... im not saying that cps matters more than aim ok accually... what are we talking about? we spammed this thread with posts about cps and pvp... i just wanted to count clicks... thats it... oh and one more thing... who said i wanted to do pvp... maybe i just want to make a clicker minigame for minecraft...
  12. ejer


    ok ok how am i going to learn any freaking simple thing if i go here for complicated code i wouldnt even get to execute it because i dont know crap about java
  13. ejer


    yea yea but u still said its possible to count clicks so if on latest ver you can get 1-2 cps then if you do it on lower vers you can get the cps still
  14. ejer


  15. ejer


    1st Who said its the newest version 2nd 0? I mean i can understand when ur not clicking... 1 or 2? who are you? a 4 kid? normal clicking 5-8 jitter 9-12 butterfly 13-17 "MAYBE you'd get a 2 once in a while." lol ur talking like 2 cps is so rare its almost as rare as 17 cps 2nd Ohhh Yesss Im A Spam Click Noob
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