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Everything posted by Cannash

  1. Thank you, I'll go ahead and test it out. If anyone has a better way of doing it, please share.
  2. I am in the process of updating my mod, and I've run into a bump. I have special sword that does more damage to Endermen and Enderdragons. Previously, I had used getDamageVsEntity, but now that that is deprecated, I don't know how to do it. I've been messing around with Attributes, but can't get Entity specific damage to work... Any ideas would be much appreciated... Old Outdated Code:
  3. Is it that simple, or does anything special have to go in my main mod class besides the usual for adding a block. I'd assume you would make it's id the same as the old vanilla block.
  4. Is it that simple, or does anything special have to go in my main mod class besides the usual for adding a block. I'd assume you would make it's id the same as the old vanilla block.
  5. How can I override or extend an already existing block without editing base classes? Is it even possible? I think Railcraft does it with normal rails, doesn't it? (As a specific example, I would like to change wheat a bit...) I'm just curious because I'm thinking up future mod ideas I could work on.
  6. How can I override or extend an already existing block without editing base classes? Is it even possible? I think Railcraft does it with normal rails, doesn't it? (As a specific example, I would like to change wheat a bit...) I'm just curious because I'm thinking up future mod ideas I could work on.
  7. Solved it! FINALLY! Containers now use detectAndSendChanges() to, well, detect and send changes, whereas in the last update you used updateCraftingResults(). After I changed my updateCraftingResults() method to detectAndSendChanges(), it works.
  8. Well, it works. I mean, you put the recipe in, and you get your result after a bit (like if you combined a crafting table with a furnace), but the progress arrow doesn't sync with the actual progress. It just freezes to the progress it was at when you opened the gui. Same as the Fuel level bar. Like I said, I got the progress arrow and such to work with 1.4.7, but can't seem to get it to work with 1.5.1. It's really frustrating me to be honest...
  9. Did anything change in 1.5.1 concerning gui's? I noticed that bindTexture() changed to taking the texture's file path directly. I also know that the way how textures are handled is different, and I've updated my code accordingly. I guess I can also post my code from 1.4.7 that worked, if anyone thinks it will help.
  10. I posted my TileEntity, Block, Container, and Gui classes. Sorry for my sloppy programming. Thanks!
  11. I am currently in the process of updating my mod, Duplecraft http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1598971-147146-forge-duplecraft-duple-your-world/. I have gotten pretty much everything working, except for the GUI of my Fusing Table. The fuel bar and progress bar only update when you leave the gui and then open it back up again (and repeat; it doesn't provide continous update, only when you open up the gui). The table works, but the progress bar and fuel bar don't. When I coded it previously in 1.4 (and it worked), I based a lot of my code upon the code for the vanilla Furnace. I have gone through and compared my code with that of the Furnace, and I don't see where I could've gone wrong. (Code has been removed due to the problem being solved) Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks! (See last post by me to see solution)
  12. DupleCraft Duple your World! Because I'll probably end up neglecting this thread, please go to the minecraftforum.net post here for info and downloads.
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