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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Your ok,This is in the right forums,and i don't think there is one
  2. Me too,i hate cheaters,BUT most,Server Hacking .-.
  3. Hello,I think there should be commands for the server Client side of the mod. Like /Forge Disable for disabling forge because the mods are causing errors etc. All The Commands i can think of is: /Forge Enable Enabling the Mods /Forge Info Version,Authors Etc. /Forge Disable Disabling Forge Mods /Forge Alias for the first help page command /Forge help [PAGE #] Help Pages. If they are already Added to the forge Server Client mod feel free to delete this post If i didn't follow the Guidelines please tell me so i can fix it. Thank you for looking at this post.
  4. Did you try using the mods without Magic Launcher? Magic launcher don't install forge correctly,as i know. since if you install it,then it shows you it has one error try force update then put mods by Win-rar ( http://www.rarlab.com ). OR just use the 1.2.5 Unoffical update (Official update has many bugs,like crashing after accepting quest)TOK is to be installed by mods folder. put the zip from download in the mods folder,and i mean the TOK one
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