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  1. Hello. My mob has custom data, which is stored in compound tags by "addAdditionalSaveData" and "readAdditionalSaveData" methods. Unfortunately, It looks like "readAdditionalSaveData" method doesn't called on client side at game loading, so I can't restore this data correctly. For sure server side works perfect, but I need this data on client side too, cause I have a gui screen which needs an actual values of this data. I gues I can send a message to client when entity loaded, to solve this problem, but such way looks overcomplicated.
  2. Hello. How can I spawn my animal at world generation? My animal class - https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/entity/SophisticatedWolf.java I've read a few totorials, about it, and add : 1) biome modifier - https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/resources/data/sophisticated_wolves/forge/biome_modifier/sophisticated_wolves_spawn_biome_modifier.json 2) SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent - https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/ba79daeeb2d6bc08814c6b5976491b381ba8bcb1/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/event/EventsEntity.java#L28 but for some reasons my game freezed when I entered to a place where mob should be spawned. "debug" and "latest" logs have no helpfull information.
  3. After some time of debuging and testing I solve my problem. Unfortunatelly, I made a mistake in "jigsaw block" configuration.
  4. So Minecraft.getInstance().setScreen(....); opens screen for both client and server side? It looks like it solve my problem. Thank you!
  5. Hello. I have a problem with my gui screen. It crash game from time to time(but mostly it works correctly) without any obvoiuse reasons, when it tries to call "super.renderBackground". java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "level" because "this.minecraft" is null at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen.renderBackground(Screen.java:442) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.1.47_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] May be some one know why it happens? My screen: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/gui/WolfFoodConfigScreen.java "debug" and "latest" logs https://gist.github.com/NightKosh/e73c29bb2ea336b1d6336f64d92ec384
  6. You can do it in a few ways: 1) open Gradle panel on the right side of your IDE and click on what you need to run 2) Open "terminal" tab at the bottom of your IDE and type command you d'like to run
  7. Hello. I'm working on update for my mod from minecraft 1.12.2 to minecraft 1.19.2 and I got a problem with item usage on mobile. In 1.12.2 I used "itemInteractionForEntity" method for it. It looks like in 1.19.2 it's called "interactLivingEntity". Everything fine when I use it on my own mob, or some others like parrots, but for such mobs as cat and wolves it doesn't work. I spent some time trying to investigate this problem and debug my code, and I found that item "interactLivingEntity" method doesn't trigger for those pets at all. Could someone please help me with it? What am I doing wrong? Here is a link on my item https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/item/ItemDogTag.java
  8. Hello. I'm trying to add custom building to village. I used this tutorial, but unfortunately it doesn't works for me. At the same time there are no errors in console, so I have no idea what can be wrong. Here is a commit with all my changes, related to this problem - https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/commit/1b920a959e29772a422cf5eadd76a258da4effc6 Could someone help me please with it. Or may be there is a good tutorial?
  9. In 1.12.2 I did it in different events FMLPreInitializationEvent, FMLInitializationEvent and FMLPostInitializationEvent. Also some of configs were used after initialization, but now it looks like it can't be used in such way. Here is a description of the problem, I mentioned in the previouse post: I have an entity with configurable Maximum health amount. This is a method which provides AttributeSupplier (commented line crashed) public static AttributeSupplier createAttributeSupplier() { return Mob.createMobAttributes() .add(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED, 0.4) //TODO IllegalStateException: Cannot get config value before config is loaded. //.add(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH, SWConfiguration.wolvesHealthWild.get()) .add(Attributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE, 2) .build(); } This is an event with attribute supplier registration: @SubscribeEvent public static void registerEntityAttributes(EntityAttributeCreationEvent event) { event.put(getSophisticatedWolfType(), SophisticatedWolf.createAttributeSupplier()); } Also another one case is Villagers registration Is it possible to use configs to disable it registration, like in 1.12.2? Or may be it can be done in other way? In case you'll need to look at sources: Mod: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/tree/feature/1.19.2_update Entity: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/entity/SophisticatedWolf.java Entity registration: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/core/SWEntities.java
  10. Hello. I'm trying to update my mod from from 1.12.2 to 1.19.2. Could someone please explain how can I do the same things as "preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)" and "postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event)" methods did in 1.12.2 1) I need something like preInit, or any other way to load mod configs before any Items/Blocks/Entities initialization. As for example I need to set custom value for entity attribute. When I tried to use it from configuration file I got IllegalStateException: Cannot get config value before config is loaded. Here is a link on my mod class https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/SophisticatedWolvesMod.java 2) I need something like postInit to update some data which my mod's API should provide
  11. Thank you very much!
  12. Ok. I've done. Not completelly. At least there should be no broken files in repository. Sources: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/tree/1.19.2 I use git submodules for mod API, so look at readme.md file to read about it jar file https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/releases/tag/1.19.2
  13. Some things still not updated, so such of them weren't commited yet. logs/latest.log file - https://gist.github.com/NightKosh/3b5695800f46d467dc9bd73b2312aca4 Accsess transformer file in mod jar
  14. Hello. I'm trying to update my mod from 1.12.2 to 1.19.2. Some work already done, but I got a few errors. One of the problematic thing is a private inner classes which were transformed to protected(Wolf.WolfPanicGoal and Wolf.WolfAvoidEntityGoal). When I run it in an ide all goes well, but when I built a mod jar and tried to test as mod I've got an error: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: failed to access class net.minecraft.world.entity.animal.Wolf$WolfPanicGoal from class sophisticated_wolves.entity.SophisticatedWolf (net.minecraft.world.entity.animal.Wolf$WolfPanicGoal is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @5478ce1e; sophisticated_wolves.entity.SophisticatedWolf is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @5478ce1e) full crash log: https://gist.github.com/NightKosh/2a9c7239da0f26372c144f007faa6b91 My accesstransformer.cfg file: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg And here is a link on a line of code, which is crashed: https://github.com/NightKosh/Sophisticated-wolves/blob/feature/1.19.2_update/src/main/java/sophisticated_wolves/entity/SophisticatedWolf.java#L87
  15. Hello. I've created my own dimension and portals. Teleportation between dimensions works well when I was in creative mode - I entered in one portal and exited in other portal(in other dimension). But when I tried to do the same in survival mode I was spawned in other dimension in the same coordinates as I was when I entered in portal instead of other portal coordinates. Why it happens, and how it can be fixed? Portal block - https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/block/BlockCatacombsPortal.java Teleporter - https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/teleporter/TeleporterCatacombs.java P.S. It looks like I posted it in wrong forum section. Is it possible to move it to modding support section?
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