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Everything posted by amkdux

  1. If this is about your last post, the version of LWJGL [Light Weight Java Game Library] you have is not up to date. I looked online and I saw that this is either a cause of your Nvidia drivers, or the Minecraft Launcher for some reason is just not updating it. This is, of course, assuming that you use an Nvidia Graphics Card. Try to update your Nvidia Graphics Drivers to the latest driver. You can do this here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/ You click download and do whatever it says to do. It should automatically check for updates.
  2. Got it working, now for the server ;-;
  3. It does not do it without mods. I'm updating forge to the very latest to see if that will help.
  4. I dont even have to remove my mods for an answer to that, it was working fine even with mods. I just added a few mods and you know, disabled the loading screen in splash. This was a few days ago.
  5. 1) http://prntscr.com/hr6zr5 2) *goes to end of jvm arguments and adds: -Dforge.forceNoStencil=true [http://prntscr.com/hr709w] 3) *clicks save* [http://prntscr.com/hr70hx] 4) http://prntscr.com/hr71ib ive been bamboozled ;-; [That's a joke by the way, it has no meaning in context to this]
  6. Still compressed, will try removing some mods.
  7. What application to I apply the JVM arguments to...?
  8. Idk if it matters, BUT I did launch it another time and The main menu was in the lower left corner. Except there was no text, it was just the background of the menu compressed in the corner. I read on the EAQ that if that happens to change the VM arguments to -Dforge.forceNoStencil=true but I'm not sure how to do that.
  9. Applied Energistics2 bdlib BrandonsCore Chisel chisleandbits CodeChickenLib CTM Draconic Evolution extrautils2 forestry gendustry generators Hwyla iChunUtil ironchest Just Enough Items LootBags Mantle mcjtylib MobGrindingUtils Morphing Pam's Harvestcraft RedstoneFlux rftools rftoolsdim Tinker's Construct Wawla
  10. Now it says "Invalid framebuffer operation" with this: ######GL ERROR#####
  11. Screenshot: What I see: http://prntscr.com/hr6h1h Game Crash Screen: http://prntscr.com/hr6h6p It does not create a crash report.
  12. I believe I found the problem, perhaps it was because I was missing a few core mods. At lease that was what Forge told me when I tried to run it in single player with the new mods, which revealed that I need some core mods. However, after I installed the core mods that were needed, Forge crashes when it gets to Advanced Generators on phase 2. [This is the single player log, since before I can even think about making a server I have to make sure the mods all work]: ---I do not think AG is the problem, since in the log below it ends with ichunutil--- Fml-client-latest https://pastebin.com/akzMc93e [Is very long] It did not create a crash report.
  13. https://pastebin.com/2DJaB9hN
  14. I try to start up my (modded) server, everything seems to be going well until.... It just closes. Running 1.12.2 server This is in my "serverstart.bat:" java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar Server.jar nogui Latest Log: https://pastebin.com/Q7MDUNWd Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/BeiRRbBs
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