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Everything posted by Ughstef

  1. It worked! Thank you so much!
  2. Wait, sorry I think I forgot to delete the other files with the same name lmao.
  3. Still crashes, even after I deleted it. Heres the new crash report. crash-2017-12-27_12.24.58-server.txt
  4. I went to the file and deleted the weird space, there was no writing on the file just the space.
  5. Didn't work, it still crashed ;(
  6. Sorry, Im not good with computers, where do you get rid of it? I know its a ignorant question, sorry.
  7. Earlier today, I tried to login to my single player Minecraft world, which uses a lot of mods, and I sat there for about 1 hour with a loading world screen. It only closed when I force-closed minecraft. I restarted my computer, got rid of some mods, updated forge and Java and it still doesn't work! I checked the crash log, nothing seems wrong to me. But I don't really know lots of stuff about minecraft so... Mods I have installed: Fairy lights mod, Mo'creatures, Biblio craft, wee flowers, biomes'o plenty, custom mob spawner crash-2017-12-26_22.34.57-server.txt
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