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  1. I've posted about this once today, but sadly I wasn't able to be helped lol. So my problem is that forge is crashing my game.. I have no mods in my mods folder, and it's the most recent forge version. (I've tried the recommended too) I'll click play and then after forge starts loading it crashes around 7/7.. Any help finding the crash report would be nice, as I don't have a crash-reports folder. Thanks!
  2. Okay, thanks anyways
  3. Wait, could this be it? (Not sure cus I've never really dealt with crash reports) I pasted it in this. https://paste.ubuntu.com/26316682/
  4. Nope, it's not there for him. Will look again.
  5. Um, he said there is no crash-reports folder. Sorry for the late reply we were trying to find it.
  6. Okay, soo.. when my friend tries to run minecraft unmodded with forge installed he gets a crash.. He installed the most recent java, and we've tried probably everything. We made sure everything was updated yada yada. Here's the crash report.
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