ToonMC Parks is a Theme Park server based on the classic MGM and Hanna-Barbera cartoons of yesteryears. We are looking for a dedicated team of volunteers to help us make this dream a reality. We are currently mainly looking for Builders, Programmers, Designers, and Tech-People, but feel free to apply for the position of staff member as well. Application Form: Positions to apply for: Designers: Think help builders think up ideas for the server and park Tech-People: People who are good with redstone, commands, and command blocks Builder: Make the designers vision a reality and help build the server and theme park Programmer: People who know how to find, set up, and use the right plugins necessary for the job needed Staff Member: Help out and inform guests on the server Discord is required if you want to get the position you are applying for. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A VOLUNTEERING POSITION. YOU WILL NOT BE GETTING PAID FOR YOUR WORK