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Posts posted by Felina-Lain

  1. 14 minutes ago, crackedEgg said:

    Perhaps you're looking for MathHelper.clamp(int num, int min, int max), there are float and double versions too.

    Well I thought so too, but I only got one argument to feed in there, unless I got to somehow switch the order of the clamp and getInt function around but when I tried, I got errors anyway

  2. Hello, me again, very sorry but I have an error that stop me from compiling (but apparently during test-play it doesn't seems to break anything *shrug*)


    final int pitchMin = MathHelper.clampAngle(getInt(argumentMap, ARGUMENT_ROTX_MIN, 0));

    "The method clampAngle(int) is undefined for the type MathHelper"


    I'm using forge-1.12.2- mdk. Did the clampAngle function change name between this version and a previous one? I tried looking into clamp, or angle, but nothing that take the parameters I had, so I'm a bit confused.

    (I'm really just beginning at modding, though I have background on java, and so far I'm learning by updating/changing open source mods for myself, and I managed to do so by guessing new names from old names and parameters but this one has me stumped, so sorry if this is another noob question)



  3. 1 hour ago, Choonster said:

    Use GameRules#getStringGameRules#getBoolean or GameRules#getInt to get a String, boolean or int value respectively from a GameRrule.


    You should get the GameRules instance from the player's World, not the World for dimension 0 (which is what MinecraftServer#getEntityWorld returns).

    Thank you very much, that got me exactly what I wanted! ^^

  4. Hello


    Sorry for this obviously noobish question, but I managed to figure out how to modify the value of a gamerule

    player.getServer().getEntityWorld().getGameRules().setOrCreateGameRule("gamerule", "value");


    But not how to read the value as it is already set. I was expecting something like "GetGamerule" or something, but I can't find it (or I did but passed it over because it didn't look like what I expected and I had no clue)

    So if someone could please tell me.


    thanks a lot!

  5. Asking because after looking around a while, i couldn't find anything

    Forge seems to have a "disable" button, when you open the mod list in the game menu. But as far as I can see, clicking it does nothing?


    Is there a way to make it work? I'd love to be able to enable/disable my mods as I please but so far I can't find anything to do it... (aside from renaming or moving the .jar of my mods which can get tedious)

    (and yes, I know the common answer is profile, or multiMc or whatever, but I don't want to use those because using those means having duplicates of your saved worlds and resources packs everywhere and it's just crappy-designed. Forge way to handle mods is actually what everyone should do to handle profiles, but anyway...)

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