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Everything posted by TVheadz

  1. After re-reading the wiki, I realized I had been renaming the file incorrectly. I was adding .jar to the end, but my folder options were hiding the .zip extension, so I was just making it say .jar.zip lol. Changed the settings and it installed all the files correctly : ) Still having problems with my server (ran the server, turned off my firewall, and still nobody can connect to it). These are not Forge related so I shall look for some help elsewhere now. Thanks for all the help!
  2. I did have an exclamation mark in the folder, so I just got rid of that. The only thing I don't get is how do I run forge itself? It is just a .zip file so all I know how to do is open it to view the files inside, and saw in all the instructions to move the files into the server jar.
  3. I extracted the forge universal contents into the Minecraft server.jar, made a start.bat file, ran it, and it installed a few folders, then stops completely. I re-tried it a few times, and now I can't even run the start.bat file (need to run the Minecraft_server.jar to do anything) and still just fails every time after installing a few folders. I've looked around a lot on here and couldn't find a working solution to my problem. I have tried both 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 (with the proper server.jars) but they all act the same. Below is my error log. Any help is much appreciated, I just want to get my server up and running.
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