I made something I can call library. I was about to release it as help for other because it took me a while to make. But when I was creating example mod I run into 2 problems:
1) When custom rendered block is alone in chunk section (you know, that 16*16*16 section of chunk introduced with anvil file format) it's not rendering at all
2) When grass is rendered before it it takes green tint.
I guess that it's because of something that every single block in vanila minecraft does. Something that changes opacity, color and other properties. But I wasn't able to spot that in vanila code. (and I was reading it really carefuly since my library is derived from it) Some kind of flag or something like that. Do you know, what is it? Tessellator or opengl method?
Thank you very much for your help.
Github repository here: https://github.com/skore13/renderLib