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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I understand. I gave you everything i've got. Thanks for trying You guys are doing an amazing job. I'm starting to afraid, that i have some malware or other troyan and this is what causing the problem, because my drivers are updated. Maybe format will do the trick.
  2. I don't know what else i can do. I'm sure i'm properly logged in, I added minecraft to the firewall, i tried different launcher (crystal), still the same result. Java platform se binary has stopped working. Edit: Now it's slightly different, game world is loading, everything works until i move in any direction then java crash.
  3. Can i do anything else to help?
  4. Ok, here it is
  5. First one is "debug", second is "latest", thats all thats is in "logs" folder. i also have something like this in "crash-report" folder
  6. Also, i forgot to mention, vanilla version is working fine. Crashes started when I installed forge.
  7. Just minecraft launcher. How about this one:
  8. Hello My game is crashing while i enter world, no mods are installed, just Forge. I've tried to upgrade drivers (geforce GTX 860M) and Java (v8 u191), my forge is version Here is debug link
  9. Ok, i think i manage to fix it.
  10. Game crash when I enter world. I don't have any mods, just forge. https://pastebin.com/A6MFi0pm
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