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Marian's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Now the blocks name works but the mob_spawner is still Air Block.getItem() is the same. The Entity.getName() is not returning the name for ItemFrame or some minecarts.
  2. For block i try: ItemStack iS = new ItemStack(bS.getBlock(), 1, bS.getBlock().damageDropped(bS)); For Sign = Air, Bed = Air, Door = Air, Powered redstone lamp = Air, Head = Air For entity like: Minecart, M...Furnance, M..TNT, Ender_Crystal have no name with .getName().
  3. Hi all. I search for this problem but i don't found any solution. I try to get the localization name for blocks and entities. But for some blocks i get block.air.name if the block is door, sign, mob_spawner. For entities like minecart i get entity.MinecartRideable.name but not exists and other minecarts have not name wit entity. only for item. and its starts the namw with lowercase like item.minecartHopper.name. I dont' know what to doo :(( I hate this :(( Thanks.
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