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  1. Hello there, Minecraft version:1.12.2 Forge version:forge-1.12.2- (i don't understand how to install the versions without the win installer, sorry) Operating System: Windows 8.1 (amd64) version 6.3 Java Version: 1.8.0_51 It's pure forge, no mods. I know that I have an openGL error but I don't know how to fix it. (I don't really understand what openGL does). Optifine (wich is not installed) says "OpenGL error : 1280 Invalid ennum", I don' know if it's related. I hope I don't get bannished for doing something wrong.
  2. I tape "Forge" in my search engine and I found this: *removed obviously malicious/wrong website link* Is this really Minecraft Forge or a bad fishing website for 9 year olds ? I hope that it is not a dummy dumb question, because I found nothing about it at the forum Site News.
  3. Hello you ! Can somebody tell me where i can find the list of in-game forge commands and them utilities ? (i search a command to delete all dropped items) And for the devs: Why are them not in the documentation ? Tank you !
  4. Hello FML team, What's the difference between recommended and lastest forge version ? (It's like stable and unstable versions ?) Can I use the lastest version without any risk ? And why is a difference from 34 version between recommended and lastest versions in the 1.12.2 relase ? Thank you so far for your work !
  5. Why are you using the unversal ?
  6. thank you !
  7. If it's don't work contact your server because wa can only help your for the client side not for the sever. I'm sorry ='(
  8. a back up of your .minecraft
  9. try to do a backup to delete your .minecraft and launch minecraft aigain in 1.7.10. It will be recreate your files. And then you reinstall the last 1.7.10 version of forge and tinker's construct. Normally it will be work.
  10. what version of MC and of the mod ?
  11. what is the mod ?
  12. can you translate it in english please ?
  13. My game crash every time i try to open the "transportation" in crative mode. The crash report is joined crash-2018-03-25_14.51.49-client.txt
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