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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. this might sound wierd but i import it everything and still errores yes when i mean everything is everything every little import i import it and no it only fix some errors was there a change of code or something?
  2. nop it repaired some but there is still alot that have errores
  3. ima try that but the wierd thing is that it has errors on the packages thats what im worried too
  4. When i was updating my mod i got this error of imports that is pissing me of i dont know what or how to fix this error like import net.minecraft.src.Block; import net.minecraft.src.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.src.Material; i get this errors that can not resolve type and all these wierd shit Please help me i would really apreciated ps. sorry for bad english
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