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Everything posted by Ajblanco

  1. it didnt work and it still says the same thing
  2. thank you for responding but im new to java and what not so how do i manually down load it
  3. I tried to install Forge 1.12.2 - today, and it gave me an error saying these libraries failed to download: org.ow2.asm:asm-all:5.2 com.typesafe.akka:akka-actor_2.11:2.3.3 com.typesafe:config:1.2.1 org.scala-lang:scala-actors-migration_2.11:1.1.0 org.scala-lang:scala-compiler.2.11.1 org.scala-lang.plugins:scala-continuations-library_2.11:1.0.2 org.scala-lang.plugins:scala-continuations-plugin_2.11.1:1.0.2 org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.1 org.scala-lang:scala-parser-combinators_2.11:1.0.1. org.scala-reflect:2.11.1 org.scala-lang:scala-swing_2.11:1.0.1 org.scala-lang:scala-xml_2.11:1.0.2 org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:3.5.3 I feel like I've really messed up on this one. I'm not good with Java, so I have no idea what this means. Please help, someone?
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