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  1. My main issue is, what do we do if there is a problem with 1.12.2 and the game crashes and we do not know how to solve it?
  2. I believe that support for 1.12.2 should be brought back as many mods have not and more than likely will not be updated for versions above 1.12.2 so what are we supposed to do if we are experiencing issues with minecraft that we are not able to find the solution of? The forge forums are a source of help for many people who do not have the correct know how to solve problems that occur within the forge client, please bring back support for 1.12.2 so people like myself can get help if their game crashes due to problems with mods and/or the forge client.
  3. Whenever I try to load a world in minecraft forge 1.12.2 it crashes. https://paste2.org/tvKnjasU
  4. Recently when I try to launch 1.7.10 it crashes near the start, could you help me out? Crash Report: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/4cdde87cf75a4ac5a50e937be390af9c
  5. that was the latest log even though the last version of minecraft I loaded was forge 1.12.2
  6. oh, give me a second
  7. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/1b9b6173990547148d8a32a116125335
  8. i have put optifine back in for the screenshot
  9. I'm certain as when i was looking for the log to copy I looked for today's date and that was the one from today
  10. That's odd because i removed optifine and any mods that require optifine
  11. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/fe2c2fc9122e4be1a83f1290c0665187
  12. took out optifine, still crashes
  13. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/39e8d19b7b8d4191a4bfc7c346da762dsorry it's been so long, just tried it without dalek mod and it still crashes
  14. sorry it's been so long, just tried it without dalek mod and it still crashes
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