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Everything posted by TheRedMezek

  1. I have a block class that extends BlockFurnace, and its constructor starts as follows: public MyBlock(boolean isBurning){ super(Material.rock); Material.rock is underlined red, and when I mouse over it it tells me this: BlockFurnace (boolean) in BlockFurnace cannot be applied to (net.minecraft.block.material.Material) This confuses me greatly, as this is basically the same code as the actual BlockFurnace constructor (except that one is protected rather than public, but changing that doesn't fix the problem). The rest of the constructor works just fine and doesn't crash the game or anything. Please help me figure out what's going on and how to fix it! EDIT: Actually it does crash when compiling, telling me this: warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [filepath]MyBlock.java:55: error: incompatible types: Material cannot be converted to boolean super(Material.rock); ^ EDIT2: I replaced Material.rock with true and now it's happy. Is there some other way I can set the material, or whether or not it requires a tool?
  2. My apologies, I totally derped and couldn't find the source code. Found it now and THE POWER IS ALL MINE! MUAHAHAAAAaaaa
  3. People seem to assume that you can look at the source .jar, but since it's obfuscated I can't. I've looked around the internet somewhat and haven't found anything to deobfuscate 1.8.3.jar so I'm stuck without source code, which I increasingly need. Am I missing something painfully obvious? Has nobody made something to deobfuscate 1.8 yet? (My specific problem currently is that I'm trying to make a block which extends BlockTorch something which things will collide with instead of walk through. Help on that is also appreciated, but wouldn't be necessary if I could see the source code.)
  4. Thanks, though I just figured out I can tell the class to extend BlockTorch and it fixes all the problems I had left. Crisis averted.
  5. I've been hard at work trying to make my first mod, and I've finally got most of the issues worked out and have a (nearly) working set of .json files for my block. I'm basically making a torch with a different texture and recipe, and everything's worked fine until I changed the blockstates json file from a simple one to the one the vanilla torch uses. Here's what I have right now: { "variants": { "facing=up": { "model": "braziermod:brazier" }, "facing=east": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall" }, "facing=south": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 90 }, "facing=west": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 180 }, "facing=north": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 270 } } } The result is a black-and-purple-checker texture on a cube. I think the issue is that the class file for the block doesn't do anything to set the block state when it's placed, but in my internet searches I haven't found out how to do it and I can't look through the thousand obfuscated classes in the vanilla .jar to find out how Mojang did it. How can I solve this? This is my first time asking for help here, apologies if I have done so poorly.
  6. I'm running Forge version forge-1.7.2- and everything is going fine, except for a LAN problem. Some people can (with slight hiccups) connect to my LAN worlds. Others, however, just show "Connecting to server" for ever and never do. This is a problem with other versions of Forge as well I use through the Technic Launcher. My OS is Linux Mint 15. Anyone know what the problem is and/or how to fix it?
  7. Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but I couldn't see anywhere else to post this on this forum. I'm trying to get a fairly large 1.4.6 Forge modpack to work on LAN, and though I can get the LAN server up, whenever someone else tries to log in they get a blank dirt screen and a "done" or "back" button (I can't remember which). On my screen I see that the person logs in once, and leaves the server twice. No error report though, and I'm absolutely certain they have the same mods that I do, and the same .jar. I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me if any of these mods are LAN-incompatible. Armor Stand Campfire Ancient Warfare/Catapults ColoredGlasses ComputerCraft CrossbowMod CustomoreGen Emasher Core, with -Defense -GasCraft -Maybe something else I forgot needed this core Flowercraft Haycraft More Swords MoreExplosives Mystcraft Shelf Mod (Risugami) SlabCraft StairCraft StevesCarts Timber! Any help is appreciated! By the way, what's causing the rain of chickens?
  8. Though I don't have an answer, I've been experiencing a similar problem in 1.4.6. I'm trying to get a fairly large modpack to work on LAN, and though I can get the LAN server up, whenever someone else tries to log in they get that screen. On my screen I see that the person logs in once, and leaves the server twice.
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