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  1. Here is the new log. I will try the link real quick to see if it works.
  2. I uninstalled and reinstalled java. I also deleted and downloaded forge and did the java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar command prompt again. I still get the etag error when trying to install the server.
  3. I installed the newer versions recently.
  4. Is this what you are looking for?
  5. I followed the steps in this thread to help with the issue. I thought it had worked because I was able to get the same command prompt as Haze's image in the thread. However, when I tried to install the server afterwords it still gave me the same "invalid e-tag checksum. I am not sure if I missed a step after entering the command prompt? Was there something else I need to add or select when the message popped up? Thanks in advanced for the help.
  6. Sorry, I thought it was relatable since we have the same issue. Didn't think it would be an issue. Dooley noted. Just thought I could help...
  7. Also, here is a way to help you with that issue. However, be warned that it is not something to mess around with unless you are a 100% sure you can follow the steps properly. https://www.howtogeek.com/302408/how-to-put-open-command-window-here-back-on-the-windows-right-click-menu/ https://www.howtogeek.com/262464/how-to-gain-full-permissions-to-edit-protected-registry-keys/ They help you gain access to allow command prompt to pop up when you shift right click the folder. Apparently it is blocked for most users.
  8. I seem to be running into the same issue. However, I was able to get my command prompt working and I had the same message as Haze on the thread. But, for some reason I still get the same error message. The "invalid etag checksum" when I try to finish installing the server. Did I do something wrong on my end after adding the jar line in the command prompt? Is there another step I missed from the thread? Thank you for the help in advance. This has never happened to me until today.
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