After some searching i found this:
"Subscribe to "EntityJoinWorldEvent", check if entity is EntityFallingBlock, then check if EntityFallingBlock.fallTile is Anvil. Extend EntityFallingBlock with your MyEntityFallingBlock and override onUpdate() method adding a subtle change that will instead of placing anvil on ground-hit ..."
And then i place undamaged version of anvil.
Is it right? Or there are better way to do it?
'Anvil' -> 'Slightly Damaged Anvil' -> 'Very Damaged Anvil'
But can i change 'Slightly Damaged Anvil' properties so it will be equal to 'Anvil'? (And same for 'Very Damaged Anvil')
Sorry for bad English(
Is there a way to change the durability of an anvil? Or change a chance of damaging the anvil. And also can i do it separately for in world interaction(fall) and in GUI interaction(repair)