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Posts posted by daniel_rr1

  1. Okay I managed to figure it out after coming across a different tutorial than what I was using. If anyone else comes across this problem, the solution is to add another field under "item" called "data", and then give it the number. Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the item line! Here's how my fixed code looks:


    "key": {
            "#": {
                "item": "minecraft:glass_pane"
            "R": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye",
                "data": 1
            "G": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye",
                "data": 2
            "B": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye",
                "data": 4
            "i": {
                "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot"


  2. So I'm trying to make a recipe for an LED, and I want it to use rose red, cactus green, and lapis lazuli. As I recently found out though, Minecraft 1.12.2 doesn't call them by their names, but instead minecraft:dye and then a data value (1, 2, and 4). So how do I include this in the recipe? Here is the relevant section of the json file:


    "key": {
            "#": {
                "item": "minecraft:glass_pane"
            "R": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye"
            "G": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye"
            "B": {
                "item": "minecraft:dye"
            "i": {
                "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot"


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