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Everything posted by -fr0st-
You helped me greatly, thank you so much! Now I am able to affect the spawning chance of my village, but i feel like it's still a couple of steps away from vanilla ones: here's what I'm talking about. Vanilla villages are rigidly placed but somehow they "extend" the foundations to match the terrain they're on, and also I kind of noticed that if the houses spawn inside of mountains they are basically unaccessible since the air inside of the house is not replacing the terrain blocks, I guess... Is there a way to get rid of these issues? Would be very appreciated. P.S: Thanks a lot for the compliment!
It turns out my only issue was coding late at night and not noticing I had failed to rename my town center structures to correctly match what I was registering with JigsawManager. The fix was literally renaming three files, the starting points for village generation. The problem is that I did not see any errors in console, otherwise this would haven been trivial. Now I kinda have the opposite problem, extremely abundant village generation. Where does vanilla specify generation chance? Is it related to the fact that the generation happens via DeferredWorkQueue instead of the biome constructor like vanilla? (which gives me a NPE because RegistryObject<Structure> is not present at that time)
You're absolutely right, why didn't I think of this? Let's see if anything changes... Edit: Turns out nothing changed. The /locate command always tells me there's a village nearby, but there is none. There's still this annoying thing that every time i create a world with my biome only, I spawn at y=65 even though the surface level is around at y>90 ish... which results in slow death if in survival mode.
I have tried going into spectator mode, but all I see is caves and lava pools, unfortunately... Vanilla does it this way: public static final Structure<VillageConfig> field_236381_q_ = func_236394_a_("Village", new VillageStructure(VillageConfig.field_236533_a_), GenerationStage.Decoration.SURFACE_STRUCTURES); public static final StructureFeature<VillageConfig, ? extends Structure<VillageConfig>> VILLAGE_PLAINS = Structure.field_236381_q_.func_236391_a_(new VillageConfig(new ResourceLocation("village/plains/town_centers"), 6)); The problem is that the structure is registered through a method that stores the GenerationStage.Decoration parameter in a private map: private static final Map<Structure<?>, GenerationStage.Decoration> field_236385_u_ = Maps.newHashMap(); which is the only mention of placement of any kind i can find. In fact, I copy-pasted everything from vanilla and you're right as far as me not specifying any placement configuration. Maybe I overlooked where vanilla does it? Also, looking back at the screenshot it is apparent not all distances are within 16 blocks... just wanted to rectify.
After tons of debugging it seems I have managed to get rid of the errors by overriding getStructureName() inside ModVillageStructure and also calling Structure.field_236365_a_.put() during registration of structure pieces (which I do with the aid of DeferredWorkQueue as part of world generation), but the issue persists. Now something weird happens: if I create a normal world I am able to locate my biome but i cannot locate my custom structure (not even with /locate); if I create a single biome world then /locate works but it always says something like "The nearest mod_village is 10 blocks away" and it's clearly false. There is nothing there. I have also noticed that this distance never exceeds 16 blocks, which is the size of a chunk, and the coordinates given are always multiples of 16... this is weird and probably has a reason, right? Here is a screenshot of what happens. I have no clue how to tackle this issue because there are no errors. The classes involved are the following: Mod Class, ModRegistry.java, ModStructures.java, ModWorldGen.java, ModVillageStructure.java, ModVillagePieces.java I'm at a loss. Thanks for your patience.
Greetings. I have a custom biome in which i am trying to generate a custom village structure. I have created all the various related .nbt structures and I have copy-pasted all code from vanilla. I have tried two approaches. First, i tried adding the structure in the biome constructor itself, but it crashes with a NPE on RegistryObject.get(). The second approach was to add the structure via world generation using DeferredWorkQueue, and that seems to be working as far as not crashing. The issue I'm having is probably related to a lack of understanding of Forge concepts, but I am unable to pin-point the cause of it. I am able to create a world with only my custom biome, and all vanilla features obviously work flawlessly, but I keep getting the same error all over the place: [IO-Worker-20/ERROR] [minecraft/IOWorker]: Failed to store chunk [-23, -35] java.lang.NullPointerException: null Previously I had all sorts of issues, from "missing ID mapping" to "[JigsawManager] Empty or none target pool: minecraft:village/common/...", and I still haven't figured out why I always spawn underground (inside of blocks) whenever I create a Single Biome world using my biome. This last issue seems to be related to the biome's depth, because setting it to 0.5F instead of anything above 0.7F has the player spawning normally on the surface. I had never dealt with world generation before, so I apologize if some of the issues I'm bringing up might be trivial. I have created a temporary GitHub repository to avoid unnecessarily copy-pasting code on this forum. Also, the debug.log file is about 15 thousand lines long, so I have hosted it on a third-party website for obvious reasons. If I have failed to provide critical information, I will gladly do as I am told. I have dealt with these issues for the past 3 hours, solving one and getting another. Thanks in advance, and have a nice day.
Thanks for the help!
Hey! I am trying to open a backpack GUI whenever a custom key binding is pressed. The only problem is it seems that ClientTickEvent is not being fired at all. At this point I suspect that I'm ignorant of how events are subscribed. Let me show you my code. PegasusVanguard.java @Mod(PegasusVanguard.ID) public class PegasusVanguard { public static final String ID = "pegasusvanguard"; public static final String VERSION = "1.0"; public static final Logger MOD_LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); public PegasusVanguard() { FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::setupCommon); FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::setupClient); } @SubscribeEvent public void setupCommon(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); MOD_LOGGER.info("Initializing dual-side behaviour..."); //MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventSubscriber()); ModCapabilities.registerAll(); MOD_LOGGER.info(new StringBuilder("Done! (").append(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - t)).append("ms)")); } @SubscribeEvent public void setupClient(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); MOD_LOGGER.info("Initializing client-side behaviour..."); //MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ClientEventSubscriber()); ModKeyBindings.registerAll(); ModScreens.registerAll(); MOD_LOGGER.info(new StringBuilder("Done! (").append(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - t)).append("ms)")); } } EventSubscriber.java @EventBusSubscriber(modid = PegasusVanguard.ID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) public class EventSubscriber { @SubscribeEvent public static void onRegisterBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { ModBlocks.registerAll(event); PegasusVanguard.MOD_LOGGER.info("Blocks registered!"); } @SubscribeEvent public static void onRegisterItems(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { ModItems.registerAll(event); PegasusVanguard.MOD_LOGGER.info("Items registered!"); } @SubscribeEvent public static void onRegisterContainers(final RegistryEvent.Register<ContainerType<?>> event) { ModContainers.registerAll(event); PegasusVanguard.MOD_LOGGER.info("Containers registered!"); } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public static void onPlayerFall(LivingFallEvent event) { if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof PlayerEntity) { PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity) event.getEntityLiving(); if (PlayerUtil.isWearing(player, ModItems.getItemStack("armor.airforceboots"))) { event.setDamageMultiplier(0); if (player.isServerWorld()) { Vec3d v = player.getMotion(); player.setVelocity(v.x, -v.y * 10, v.z); player.velocityChanged = true; } } } } } ClientEventSubscriber.java @EventBusSubscriber(modid = PegasusVanguard.ID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class ClientEventSubscriber { @SubscribeEvent public static void onKeyInput(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) { System.out.println("top notch debugging over here"); if (event.phase == Phase.END && ModKeyBindings.openBackpack.isKeyDown() && Minecraft.getInstance().isGameFocused()) { ModNetworkHandler.CHANNEL.send(PacketDistributor.SERVER.noArg(), new PacketOpenGui(ModReference.Gui.BACKPACK)); } } } The thing is, EventSubscriber code is called and executed normally (blocks and items are registered), but ClientEventSubscriber is not. The onKeyInput method is never reached, and I can't figure out why.
Ahh yes, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks
Hey! I did as you instructed me, and I set the event priority to lowest. I tried canceling the event but even doing so after running the rest of the code just yields the same result (player being set on fire and no movement).
Hey! Thanks for the reply. I have removed the check for client side and now it... sort of works. The problem is that it works as long as i remove event.setDamageMultiplier(0), otherwise it just behaves as before. This is certainly not good, because I also want to be able to avoid fall damage entirely. There might be some workaround (like using potion effects or something?) but I want it to be as elegant as possible. I just don't get why it interferes like that. Thanks for everything else, though. For some reason it works if i set the damage multiplier to something really small, like 0.0001F. Another thing i noticed is that if I press the spacebar in midair, then the bounce effect will not trigger, otherwise it works (90%). Might be due to some boolean flags being set?
Hello mod-makers. I am trying to create a pair of boots that make the player bounce upon falling while wearing them. So I have this item class that does nothing special apart from extending ArmorItem, and a PlayerEvent class that does the following: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = PegasusVanguard.ID) public class ModPlayerEvents { @SubscribeEvent public static void onPlayerFall(LivingFallEvent event) { LivingEntity entity = event.getEntityLiving(); if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity && !entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote) { Iterator<ItemStack> armorSlots = entity.getArmorInventoryList().iterator(); entity = (PlayerEntity) entity; while (armorSlots.hasNext()) { if (armorSlots.next().getItem() instanceof ItemAirForceBoots) { event.setDamageMultiplier(0); entity.setFire(1); // why not Vec3d v = entity.getMotion(); entity.setMotion(v.x, -v.y * 5.0D, v.z); entity.setJumping(true); entity.isAirBorne = true; } } } } } The only problem is setting the Y motion yields no result. First thing I tried is copying vanilla SlimeBlock code, but that didn't work. Then I played around with setMotion, setVelocity and travel, but I only managed to modify the X and Z components of the motion vector (and it works). I also tried, as you can see, to set some boolean flags to no avail. I am out of ideas at this point, the event fires just fine and code above setMotion is perfectly working. I don't see why just the Y axis is problematic... Hoping someone can help out! Cheers!
Greetings, modders. I have decided to completely rewrite my whole system from scratch, removing unneeded code such as ITileInventory. At the moment I am on mobile, but as soon as I get home I will finish rewriting everything and - in case my issue persists - I will update the OP accordingly. Thanks for your patience!
I have finished porting my code. The behaviour reported in the original post has not ceased, wrong values are still displayed in the GUI. EDIT: I have put a breakpoint in the GUI class and in the tileentity class, here are the variables at the same exact tick: GUI and TileEntity. As you can see, the tileentityes have two different ids, so there are two instances for each block, one on WorldServer with correct values, and one on WorldClient with wrong values. Is this how minecraft handles tileentities? Genuinely curious.
Good morning. I have taken your advice, and am currently upgrading my setup. One question quickly arose in my head, though: without implementing the IInventory interface, I no longer have access to getField() and setField(). How am I going to access my tileentity's data on the client? Should I simply create my own version of getField() and setField() that simply returns/sets the value of my fields? For instance, take a look at this snippet of code from the tileentity class: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static boolean isSmelting(ITileInventory tile) { return ((TileAlloySmelter) tile).getField(0) > 0; } Furthermore, all my container methods are now broken for the same exact reason - IContainerLister#sendAllWindowProperties needs an IInventory argument; Container#updateProgressBar and Container#detectAndSendChanges both need getField() or setField(). How do I make my container properly compatible with the new system? Thanks for your time!
Good afternoon, modders. I am in the process of creating a simple furnace-like block. This means I currently have the following classes, copied directly from the vanilla furnace: BlockAlloySmelter TileAlloySmelter (extends ModTileInventory) ContainerAlloySmelter (extends ModContainer) GuiAlloySmelter (extends ModGuiInventory) ModGuiRegistry ITileInventory I am stuck. After a bit of debugging, I found out that the container holds the correct values, but somehow they are not correctly synchronized to the tileentity in WorldClient. The GUI displays different values from those held by the container. The thing that weirds me out the most is the fact that my code is copied directly from vanilla code, except for a few tweaks here and there. The GUI opens without any problems and the inventory seems to be persistent, as far as NBT values being handled. The weird things start happening when I try smelting ONE single 'Dust' item with my furnace: at first, fuelRemaining and fuelInitial are displayed on the GUI as whatever burn time the fuel item holds (it uses vanilla fuel), so let's say 1600 for a single coal item, and this value starts decreasing by 1 each tick. fuelInitial should NOT be decreasing at all, it should stay at 1600 until other fuel items are used. In the meantime, both smeltingProgress and smeltingDuration go from zero to 200 (again, smeltingDuration should be a fixed number!), and when they hit 200 their values are matched to those held by fuelRemaining and fuelInitial at the time. I find myself with a GUI displaying only one correct value, which is fuelRemaining, while the other three fields are the exact same. I really cannot figure out why for the love of God this is happening. Thanks for your precious time, I will now further investigate the possible issues of my code. Cheers!