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Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello, does anyone know what's the best way to draw an image on the screen that needs to change every 50 ms? creating a new dynamic texture and deleting the old one each time didn't work, I ran out of memoty after 10 mins. //creating the image of the map: public BufferedImage MAP = new BufferedImage(width(), height(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); DynamicTexture TEXTURE = new DynamicTexture(MAP); //rendering the map: mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(mc.getTextureManager().getDynamicTextureLocation("minimap", TEXTURE)); RenderUtils.drawTexture(x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height); //updating the image every 100 ms with: TEXTURE = new DynamicTexture(MAP);
  2. Can u just ban me from the forum pls? Now this is giving me cancer... This is for you, made with love.
  3. 1.8.8 because i need to use it only in 1.8 servers, I could have chosen 1.8 but I though 1.8.8 could have been better. Maybe I'm wrong idk, it just has to work in 1.8 servers. I need vanilla becuase I want to edit it without any forge options/loading screens ecc... If u know how to fix that error (or any other way to decompile it) pls tell me :l
  4. wat I just want a clean decompiled 1.8.8 minecraft, if u know a better way to get a vanilla one, tell me x)
  5. Hello, this is my first post in minecraftforge sooo I hope this is the right place to post this. Today I've tryed to decompile mc1.8.8 using MCP918, everything works until it has to decompile: Before using mcp i've reinstalled the whole .minecraft folder :c Do you know how can I fix this?
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