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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. IT KEEPS saying unable to locate java runtime and Unable to save download. dead1.ogg help me plz
  2. Thank you so much I had restart my pc so it took a while to reply but thank you so much
  3. https://gist.github.com/GetOverHere33/7828fdc8b10291c98503470e2f13f9c5 yeah my using ttwitch
  4. how do i do that?
  5. https://gist.github.com/GetOverHere33/2ec6ba026e2b69828a12bc7f192f5d0c
  6. @DaemonUmbrai did it on github
  7. @DaemonUmbrawould you like me to send it?
  8. @DaemonUmbra i have copyed it
  9. @DaemonUmbra Sorry im new to the site were can i find your signature
  10. @DaemonUmbra yeah
  11. @DaemonUmbra its in the launcher
  12. Trying to play ftb contiuum and it keeps saying "unable to create directory. 1.12.json" Need help ASAP
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