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Everything posted by lwaltens

  1. Hey, I wanna make a method that clones every given entity, so I decided to create the Entity by NBT. In the older versions, it was EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(NBT, world); or EntityType.create(NBT, World) but in 1.14.4 I only found this Method: EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(Integer, world); The world parameter is clear, but what do I have to insert in the integer-parameter (I taught the entity ID, but it won't work)? For a better overview here's my full code: CompoundNBT data = entitytoclone.serializeNBT(); Entity e = EntityType.create(attacked.func_223314_ad(), event.getEntityLiving().world); e.deserializeNBT(data); e.setUniqueId(MathHelper.getRandomUUID()); e.setPositionAndUpdate(attacked.getPosition().getX(), attacked.getPosition().getY(), attacked.getPosition().getZ()); event.getEntityLiving().world.addEntity(e); Thank You!
  2. cowEntity.rotationYawHead = event.getEntity().rotationYawHead; cowEntity.rotationYaw = event.getEntity().rotationYaw; cowEntity.rotationPitch = event.getEntity().rotationPitch; cowEntity.prevRotationPitch = event.getEntity().prevRotationPitch; cowEntity.prevRotationYaw = event.getEntity().prevRotationYaw; cowEntity.prevRotationYawHead = event.getEntity().prevRotationYawHead; Minecraft.getInstance().getRenderManager().renderEntity(cowEntity, event.getX(), event.getY(), event.getZ(), event.getEntity().rotationYaw, event.getPartialRenderTick(), true); I've already done this with this code, but it doesn't work. Any idea why not?
  3. Thank You for the good Input! Do you have an idea of how to translate the Body Rotation of the "normal" Entity to the Fake Entity?
  4. Try to allocate more RAM
  5. Hi, I currently try to change the entity who is actually rendered, so like a (vanilla) cow who looks like a creeper. I've tried it with RenderLivingEvent and cancel it, but how can I render the "Fake" Entity, is there any way direct in the Event and what is the best way to get the other Vanilla Entity Model. My Idea was to spawn a "Fake" (only Client Side) Entity, but it disapears obviously instantly when i call it direct in the event. Thanks for Help!
  6. Hey, Is it possible to get the Forge Profile Installer for Forge 1.8.9? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer this Files won't work, also when i changed the install_profile.json I also try to copy the profile from the 1.8.9 installer, but it doesn't work. Can someone help me? And is there a way to install Mods with the Installer? Thank you very much!
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