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  1. Never mind we found the problem! It was a problem with linux that wasn't uninstalling the mod. Thank you anyways! We will just have to live without the end I suppose, the mod just conflicts with it.
  2. The server host confirmed that that was the latest crash report, from after we removed the mod.
  3. The server was off when we deleted the file, so sadly that can’t be it.
  4. Sadly the host of our server is away for a day or two, so he can't get it right now, he believes it is the latest crash report, but he will double check and I will post it as soon as I get it.
  5. Thats weird..I just talked to the person who runs our dedicated server and he confirmed he took the mod and dragged it from the mod folder onto the desktop and deleted the configs.
  6. Me and a couple friends have a dedicated minecraft server and we use the winter wonderland mod to melt snow faster. Recently I went to the end for the first time and when I got in the server crashed. The crash report seems to indicate the problem is with the winter wonderland mod; thus, we removed the mod from both client and server-side, along with the configs. But, the crash still persists and points to winter wonderland as the problem even though the mod and its configs are gone. The other guys are fine when they're in the server, but whenever I join the server crashes since I'm in the end. Any ideas what this might be? Attached is the crash report. crash-2018-12-23_19.21.54-server.txt
  7. My friend is also experiencing the extreme lag on his high end rig, when it was almost non present for both of us on 1.7.10. But my system specs are AMD Athlon X4 760K quad core 3.80 GHZ processor, 8 GB of Ram, the game is run on a 500 GB Samsung SSD, and I have a Radeon R9 270 Graphics card. My graphics are on fancy, render distance is 12 chunks, clouds are fancy, particles are on all, VSYNC, VBO, and shadows are on, Smooth lighting is at Max, and max frame rate is set to unlimited.
  8. So my friends and I run a forge server (its run off of my friends computer), and we have always played 1.7.10. Recently we decided to upgrade to 1.12.2 after our old server died (it was some weird problem where the server just randomly wouldn't load anymore). We went through getting new mods and corresponding mods to what we had prior, and now our server cant run because it is so laggy. I tried playing single player, and it is almost unbearably laggy too. The game tells me I'm running around 10 fps, which is odd because the game ran just perfectly fine on 1.7.10. I tried stripping our mods down to basically only what we had on 1.7.10, and still the incessant lag persists. I can't remember my friends computer's exact specs, but I know he has put over a thousand dollars into that thing. My computer isn't quite as good as his, but I usually don't run into this much of a problem when playing any other game. Anybody have any idea whats making it so laggy and how we might be able to fix it? I don't understand when we haven't changed that much from 1.7.10. I know there's a big version difference but can that really account for this huge lag spike? Also yes, we have allocated more ram. My friend allocated 4gb to the server and it reports he has 70% available when the server is running. And I upped my client side to about 3gb. We’re running the latest version of forge for 1.12.2. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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