Hi everyone, my name is Liam, I'm playing minecraft 1.7.10 with the recommended forge for that version, I'm playing with 47 mods and I haven't had a single problem until now
I was finishing something in my world, then i saved and quit to title, switched my pc off for the night and went to bed
Since I woke up, for no reason, I'm suddenly getting java crashing every time i hit play. The error message provided is BEX64
I've done some googling and apparently it's something to do with nvidia drivers, im sceptical as 1.12.2 works, forge and vanilla and vanilla 1.7.10 works
Have re-installed my nvidia drivers, done a clean install of mc and forge, re-installed windows and NOTHING has worked
If anyone knows what i need to do please tell me, im at my wits end