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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello, I have been trying to make a working update for one of my mods for hours today, but I just can't figure these two things out: how do you test for an ore dictionary value of a specific type, and how do you change the item type of an itemstack?
  2. Right brfore going to bed, I found a fix
  3. Don’t know how to fix it
  4. As nothing but the texture differs between them. Found the error using jei running with the debugger and crashing
  5. It freezes when loading copper ore, and the code carries over to all other ores
  6. It crashes on loading my custom ores(they don’t generate, so that is not the problem)
  7. And the debugger simply amplifys the crash to a full system crash
  8. Im on intellij
  9. They are all set up under blockores
  10. As for debug tactics, no errors show
  11. It may be to do with metatata usage erroring.
  12. The debugger crashes my computer on my ores, so thats out for obvious reasons. and the crash is from the ores, I just can’t find what I’ve done wrong. Generation is not implemented.
  13. Crash report: https://gist.github.com/enderger/cff0cd632be6a4ef323478d0e34490b0 Mod: https://github.com/enderger/UOL
  14. Xaros, I think, is liteloader
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