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oOShadowDragonOo's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I just tried removing nei all together. still no result
  2. these are my own mods. wouldn't really call it a pack, we add mods when we feel like it. but yeah my own mods. please tell me what u need
  3. that's where the errors start
  4. ok so I removed mocreatures completely and now that error has gone but now im just stuck on the logging in... screen. no lag no crash. it just stays on that screen until I eventually press cancel. thanks for ur help tho
  5. nope didn't work. I even updated the server and my client to latest forge( I had to remove a mod to get it to work). No difference at all. same error ??
  6. ooohhhh okay. OKay so there was some weird ass characters there. I just wiped it clean. I will try it now
  7. help. whats wrong there??
  8. broo there is like 8 in that folder
  9. it didn't change anything I checked all the atomicstryker.cfg files but don't see anything unusual. damn it. im gonna try updating to latest forge now.
  10. there r like 8 atomicstryker.cfg files all of which look very generic. but I did update mocreatures and custommobspawner. is that it? im testing it now. not to be rude but I don't see how they r the issues. anything else?
  11. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ami866/c46650348941262856f0a67246f047f0/raw/05af01b8c0461cba967a6ebd8c9b88818ced4768/debug.log here
  12. here u go https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ami866/97f87d042de9d288b127ed9c2de6f2f5/raw/d872f656ce8e4666a39afaa0e2ed5c54a2f10771/debug.log
  13. I made a gist. not sure if I did it right tho https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ami866/8a2f36cdfe2379ebbadb30fa34725694/raw/ef4833e0471cf162f762faccdc9269e171eb5f93/debug.log
  14. I have uploaded the log but the debug file comes up with an error when I try to upload it error -200? latest.log
  15. Hi im new to all this forum stuff but I cant seem to get into get into my forge server. Me and my friend play on a modded server and have been for a while. recently I was in the nether when suddenly my pc crashed. I started everything up and now I get the error message "a fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated". I have tried resetting the nether and even moving my player with mcedit. I have no idea what the issue is. PLease help. I use forge .2676 because the latest forge crashes my mc. im on 1.12.2 and have like 88 mods on the server.latest.loglatest.log latest.log
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