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butter's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. okay thank you for trying to help ?
  2. downloaded latest version still gives me a log https://pastebin.com/N3AXLzuv https://gyazo.com/b187141a67a0d38040cf7d4811736a3a
  3. I had downloaded this java verison, is it the wrong version? https://gyazo.com/eb3ffdaeb4c9b5886e2c544e60bdca17
  4. dont think my specs are a problem https://gyazo.com/f50cb8a2e8bd027686503f355ef6e30e
  5. sorry about that I did both just in case one didnt work.
  6. I tried to open minecraft forge server and this log shows up https://pastebin.com/LcgkGfND
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