ok so the thing me want to happen still aint happerning ive removed all the cote from banana picker so its just a plain item and added
public boolean onBlockActivated(NonNullList<ItemStack> drops, IBlockAccess world, EntityPlayer playerIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state,int fortune) {
ItemStack itm = playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand();
if(!itm.equals(TutorialItems.BANANA_PICKER) == true)
return true;
drops.add(new ItemStack(TutorialItems.BASIC_ITEM, 6));
if(!itm.equals(TutorialItems.BANANA_PICKER) == false); {
playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("cant reach that from here if only there was a banana picker"));
return false;
to banana bunch and // out the code for itemdrop but.....it dose nothing ?
right click is doing nothing
and braking the block is making the stem drop now ima confused monkey https://github.com/monkeybee11/monkeysmod/blob/master/src/main/java/com/monkeybee11/monkeysmod/block/BlockBananaBunch.java