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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I wish I had the knowledge to do so. I do have a few ideas though:)
  2. That doesn't work either. I guess it just doesn't like anything that adds more ores:( Or I'm not finding that exact entry yet.
  3. I removed Environmental Tech, Immersive engineering and taiga. Fingers crossed that helps. I'd like to keep my other tech mods if I can
  4. So If I try removing a few mods that alter that I may find the issue?
  5. It works on it's own with no other mods installed. Odd
  6. Also, I tried submitting a bug report to the mod maker, but there's been no updates since about January last year:(
  7. I also have an issue where my world spawns with massive craters all over, but that's another issue and probably a mod I haven't pinpointed yet, lol.
  8. I've been making my own mudpack so I can have all the mods I want. Everything is fine except the Caverns 2 mod. My game crashes when I create a world. I tried it on a mudpack with just that mod installed and it all works fine so I can only assume it's a conflict or something. Here's what the crash log says(short version):
  9. It turns out it was Forge. I downgraded it all the way back down to 60 and it works:) Well, that was over an hour of mods fiddling wasted, lol.
  10. For some reason, My Minecraft has started crashing on world generation. I can't, for the life of me work out the issue. I;ve tried updating and downdating forge, removing mods and all sorts and I still get this: https://pastebin.com/HPXNYMpz
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