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  1. On the server as well as client?
  2. Everytime I am getting this error, and can't join my server. Also mentions a null ticking enitity that seems to be an issue. I can't seem to get rid of it though. Any suggestions? crash-2019-01-13_00.58.40-client.txt
  3. Huh. Well i guess that was the problem then cause it works fine now with it's full name. Thanks for the help guys. Guess it was a dumb on me to think that renaming it wouldn't matter.
  4. I've renamed it in the past and it still worked for me.
  5. So I have no clue what I did.. But it's fixed
  6. I renamed it to just minecraft_server.jar that shouldn't be an issue right?
  7. How would I go about showing you the entire log? I can't find the full thing. When I got to just plain logs it shows me something different. I have the vanilla server.jar and it seems to be running just fine. It's just forge that doesn't seem to want to open or even start
  8. I seem to be having this issue and can't seem to find it on this forum. It might be an issue with forge but I'm still not certain, on what could be causing it. I've tried previous versions of forge and I have Java 8 for 64bit and 32bit. If this is already on this forum please let me know. Thank you
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