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Posts posted by SKProCH

  1. 7 hours ago, DaemonUmbra said:

    Please don't auto-DL Forge.

    Ads are the main source of upkeep for the project and are what keep the servers running.

    If you want to see the ads go away consider pledging to Lex's patreon (the only goal at this time is the removal of ads).

    I understand that this is the main income of the developer, but my application will be intended for narrow circles, in which everyone still uses MultiMC who also downloads forge directly.

  2. I am looking for a way to download and install forge automatically.
    I found this URL that describes all versions of the forge: http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/json
    Yes, I can parse it with the help of Json, pull out the forge version from there, load the universal.jar, unpack it and get the version manifest out.
    But is there really no way to make it easier? Do not do this chain to get all the libs that are required forge?

  3. It is necessary to create a mod that brings the system of stores to the game. For him, you need to make a fairly advanced interface. I do not understand how to make a ListBox that can be scrolled, how to add slots to it to put objects on when direct on it their tooltip showed up.
    This is a quick sketch of how it should look.


    How to implement this?

  4. It is necessary to create a mod that brings the system of stores to the game. For him, you need to make a fairly advanced interface. I do not understand how to make a ListBox that can be scrolled, how to add slots to it to put objects on when direct on it their tooltip showed up.
    This is a quick sketch of how it should look.

    How to implement this?

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