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Everything posted by arrynchaos

  1. So I am very new to modding mine-craft and have created an Item. A Mortar&Pestle. I have also created and implemented a gui for when you right click my Mortar&Pestle Item and it all works great. But now I need to attach a container to this so I can get the player's inventory and some slots for crafting. Every container tutorial I watch uses tile-entities on blocks you place in the world. I just don't know how to get my container to work with my item. So far I have a: MortarPestle.java BrewingGui.Java BrewingContainer.java How do I attach my container to my Item. Here is my GitHub Project: https://github.com/arrynchaos/AlchemyMod/tree/master/main/java/com/arrynchaos/alchemy
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