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Everything posted by lightningdragonx5

  1. it's an April Fools thing with Industrial Foregoing, apparently they check if it's April 1 in the newest version and if they do they do some stuff that happens to not work on older forge versions
  2. I made a post before but it didn't really get answered well and I didn't really phrase it well enough. So I have two biomes. When testing them with BiomeProviderSingle and no gen layer, they work as I hope they would. One, the mountain, has a ground level around y = 110 but with mountains that can go past y = 200. The other, the lowland, has a ground level around y = 70 and doesn't usually go past y = 95 or so. However, with every open-source dimension-with-multiple-biomes mod I've seen, they have a custom GenLayer. To test I tried out a GenLayer from an open-source mod but that just created an issue where the mountain biome would often generate at a low height, seamlessly with the lowland, and the low biome would generate at a ridiculously high height. The biome borders also looked really messy and "chunk"y. Same happened with another sample gen-layer. I wasn't able to find any tutorials or explanations on GenLayers, so... Basically I want them to generate in neat groups (think mystcraft worlds with three or so selected biomes, arranged naturally) without ugly borders and with the mountain biome always being high and the lowland biome always being low. How would I go about doing something like this?
  3. I need to know how to get a mob ID/name from any given entity. For instance, if Mod A adds a Beetle mob, I'd like to be able to know that the mob is a beetle from mod A, and if Mod B adds a Beetle mob I'd like to be able to know it's from Mod B, despite sharing a display name from Mod A. How would I go about doing this programatically? Couldn't find any info online, and Entity.getName() only tells me the mob's display name and not where it came from. Something like "moda.mobname" is kind of what I'm aiming for, so I can do something based off of the specific mob.
  4. So I want to make an addon for a mod, and the mod has a public deobf file. How would I go about setting up my mod workspace properly given the deobf file to make an addon? There's very little information about what exactly to do with it.
  5. All right, noted.
  6. Thanks. Just curious, why is it in the blockstates folder?
  7. How do you make a sword appear giant in third-person view? (e.g. Twilight Forest's Giant Sword)
  8. bump again
  9. I made a post before but it didn't really get answered well and I didn't really phrase it well enough. So I have two biomes. When testing them with BiomeProviderSingle and no gen layer, they work as I hope they would. One, the mountain, has a ground level around y = 110 but with mountains that can go past y = 200. The other, the lowland, has a ground level around y = 70 and doesn't usually go past y = 95 or so. However, with every open-source dimension-with-multiple-biomes mod I've seen, they have a custom GenLayer. To test I tried out a GenLayer from an open-source mod but that just created an issue where the mountain biome would often generate at a low height, seamlessly with the lowland, and the low biome would generate at a ridiculously high height. The biome borders also looked really messy and "chunk"y. Same happened with another sample gen-layer. I wasn't able to find any tutorials or explanations on GenLayers, so... Basically I want them to generate in neat groups (think mystcraft worlds with three or so selected biomes, arranged naturally) without ugly borders and with the mountain biome always being high and the lowland biome always being low. How would I go about doing something like this?
  10. What else do I need to do to get it working? I created a BiomeProvider extension and clear allowedBiomes and getBiomesToSpawnIn in my constructor + add in my own two biomes, but it's still generating stuff like ocean and forest (although vanilla biomes are supposed to be absent). EDIT: After another trial I ran into one of my custom biomes near spawn, but the overworld biomes were also still present. Apparently it generates my biomes but generates the overworld ones as well which I still haven't found a way to remove.
  11. Never mind, fixed. Apparently I had to use FLOWING_LAVA instead of LAVA.
  12. Tried it with flags 0, 1, 2, 3, still nothing.
  13. How exactly would I do that? Here is my current code in the biome decorator class: BlockPos spoutTop = new BlockPos(x, y, z); IBlockState lava = Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState(); world.setBlockState(spoutTop, lava); world.notifyBlockUpdate(spoutTop, lava, lava, 0); System.out.println(spoutTop); I have verified that spoutTop does indeed contain a lava block in-game, but it stands still like in the screenshots above. Would prefer it to have already flown down all the way, but not sure if that's possible.
  14. I'm trying to generate lava springs that flow (e.g. single source blocks of lava that pour down mountainsides) but unfortunately whenever I create such lava springs they just stand still like this: How would I fix it, or cause it to flow by itself (preferably have it finish flowing by the time it comes into view, if that's even possible).
  15. Using I know that getting a single biome to generate in a dimension is trivial through using BiomeProviderSingle, but how would you get multiple biomes to generate properly? Is there a good tutorial for this?
  16. I have functional swords/pickaxes/other tools, but as they are now, third person views don't show them as swords, just ordinary, flat, held items. (Example below, left is my sword and right is ordinary diamond sword, how it's supposed to be). What do I need to add/change to get them to render in proper 3D?
  17. I did. Below is my current code, what could I be doing wrong? @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if(!worldIn.isRemote) { return false; } System.out.println(this.fruit); EntityItem droppedFruit = new EntityItem(worldIn, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), new ItemStack(this.fruit, 1)); worldIn.spawnEntity(droppedFruit); worldIn.setBlockState(pos, this.baseLeaves.getDefaultState()); return true; }
  18. So basically I'm trying to make a leaf block with fruit on it that, when right clicked: 1. gives the player the fruit item, or drops it at their feet if their inventory is full. Not exactly sure how to do that nicely. Directly adding it to the player inventory (player.inventory.add) resulted in some really weird stuff going on. Something tells me that's not a method I should be using. Spawning it as an EntityItem in the world spawns it as a ghost item that can't be picked up even if I stand on it, or drop other normal versions of the item right next to the ghost items. It also isn't destroyed by lava. 2. changes the leaf block into the version that doesn't have fruit (note that said version is a different block altogether). For this I tried using worldIn.setBlockState but that doesn't actually do anything - the block blinks with the texture of the fruit-less version for a split second and then immediately turns back into the fruit version, which can be right-clicked once again for the same result. How would I go about doing these?
  19. I have wooden blocks I want to make fireproof (as in, they do not naturally get lit when near lava or other fire, and when lit would not be destroyed). I overrode getFlammability to return 0 but that only made it so that they didn't get destroyed by the fire, and would spontaneously catch on fire every now and then when near lava. How would I make a wood block not spontaneously catch on fire as well?
  20. Thanks for this, helped a lot. Was able to get it to steer, so it functionally works just fine now. Already tried this, it stopped the boat from being destroyed but it didn't let me steer initially until I added steering code (provided above). Once that was done it worked fine.
  21. This is my first time trying this out, so of course I have no idea if my approach is correct or not. I want to make a boat that is lava proof. Basically, like a vanilla boat but it can be used on lava without sinking or being instantly destroyed. I tried copy-pasting all of the code from EntityBoat, replacing all instances of "EntityBoat" with my class name (e.g. "EntityLavaBoat"), making it immune to fire (this.isImmuneToFire = true), and changing the "checkInWater" method so that it also returns true if in lava. The resulting boat floats on lava (good) and is not destroyed by it (good). However, for some reason it can't be steered on either water or lava (pushing it seems to work but that's it). (Note that it can still be ridden, just not moved by the rider.) I tried just extending EntityBoat but all of the fields and important methods in that class are private. The most I can do is make the boat immune to fire in the constructor, which does stop it from being destroyed by lava. However, that doesn't stop the boat from sinking. How would I go about doing this properly?
  22. I have a render file and got it to work by registering it through RenderRegistry, however every source I've seen says that this is not optimal and I should be using RegistryEvents somehow. Is there a good example of using a RegistryEvent to register an entity render?
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