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Doggo The Supreme

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Done but the fifth log will not upload.
  2. WIll do, and when I do that I will post the log. After I edit it of course.
  3. It's my full name and I'm just going to send you the debug log through a private channel rest can be here sorry for late response
  4. Could i just perhaps send it to you over discord or PMs here if there is? ((GIFTGIVER))DOGGO#0001 is my discord
  5. Which one, and I'm looking at some of them and they kinda show my user which is my real name so what do I do about that. I'm also a noob at everything so keep that in mind.
  6. I'm not really a modder but idk where to put this question. Basically, I wanted to play/make (not really) a modpack based on agricultural mods. But I made a booboo and it won't launch. It isn't a mod pack just a couple of mods slapped together. That might be why honestly know jack all about modding so I just need some help. Mod list is attached. Debug list is attached but the fifth one won't attach for some reason. debug-4.log debug-3.log debug-2.log debug-1.log
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