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    Reading, UK

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  1. Thank you, @diesieben07! Changing my method to has fixed my issue. Also, thank you for pointing out my code style issue! I'll make sure to change this ASAP. It's my first mod I'm working on, so I'm learning as I go, thus the code is a mess.
  2. First of all, you are clearly on Minecraft 1.12.2 (Forge v14.23.5.2807): Also, I am having great trouble finding the mentioned modpack on CurseForge. Perhaps you could provide me with a link?
  3. @PoliceSicarius You can use https://pastebin.com/
  4. Hey @PoliceSicarius, can you provide us with the latest logs, as described here? Thanks!
  5. Hey @Taskkill, see the docs about Loot Tables for this.
  6. Hey @godless, can you please provide the log files, as indicated by this post? Thanks!
  7. Hello, I am currently experiencing an issue, where by following the latest docs on how to register and store your blocks and tile entities, you end up with an error: This error is caused by the ObjectHoldermembers of the ModBlocks.java class not yet being initialized, which is expected, as per Forge docs (link to docs) : But then, the TileEntity part of the docs recommends registration of all Blocks (including TileEntities) to happen in the RegistrationEvents (link to docs) : Because of the recent deprecation of GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(Class, String); in favor of GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(Class, ResourceLocation);, this now causes an issue. Perhaps I am attempting to retrieve the ResourceLocation instance incorrectly? My ModBlocks class: My CommonProxy class: For now, I can botch my way out of the error by moving the TileEntity registration to registerItems, as such: This is not ideal as TileEntity registration should not be happening there. Perhaps you can shed some light on this issue. Thank you!
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