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  1. I cannot get my custom entities to spawn naturally in the world. They spawn successfully from a spawn egg. I have tried a video and did what they said, but still doesn't work. I put this in the entity's class: public static boolean canSpawn(EntityType<CarnAchillobator> entityType, ServerLevelAccessor levelAccessor, MobSpawnType mobSpawnType, BlockPos pos, RandomSource randomSource) { return Monster.checkMonsterSpawnRules(entityType, levelAccessor, mobSpawnType, pos, randomSource); } I this in the main class: @SubscribeEvent public static void registerSpawnPlacementsEvent(@NotNull SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent event) { event.register(ModEntities.ACHILLOBATOR.get(), SpawnPlacements.Type.ON_GROUND, Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE, CarnAchillobator::canSpawn, SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent.Operation.AND); In the modid/biome_modifier directory, spawn_achillobator.json file: { "type": "forge:add_spawns", "biomes": [ "minecraft:jungle", "minecraft:sparse_jungle", "minecraft:windswept_forest", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:old_growth_birch_forest" ], "spawners": { "type": "wilddinos:achillobator", "weight": 100, "minCount": 1, "maxCount": 1 } }
  2. I created my entityblock hanging sign texture using the HangingSignRender model details. But I don't know where to put it in Minecraft's and my mod's data directories. I have tried both minecraft.textures.entity.signs and minecraft.textures.entity.hanging_signs with no luck.
  3. On Windows 11 we can longer unzip jar files, ie. the mc client jar. The mc debugger is kind enough to tell us that we need some model files, but we are clueless as to what needs to go in them, and what the blockEntity hanging_sign png should look like.
  4. Forge was kind enough to give us 1/3 of the config code in the Java Example. I created the client spec similar to the common spec example and registered both in the mods main class. But where and how do we do the rest?
  5. getMyRidingOffset doesn't take a parameter. My mob can ride two living entities, one modded, one not. For the modded one I have to adjust it to work correctly. But when the mob rides the vanilla mob, mc applies the modded entity offset to the vanilla mob, resulting in the mob being submerged within the vanilla entity's body. I have had a look at overriding the positionRider function that uses getMyRidingOffset, but that doesn't provide the vehicle entity either.
  6. I tried my mob in 1.18.2 and got exactly the same result. Still cannot visually mount a player in 1.18.2 either. A mob mounting a player worked in 1.12.2.
  7. You have effectively enchanted the already enchanted book instead of adding the enchantment.
  8. The entity constructor wants something other than null passed in.
  9. In the Demo mod, go through all the files and make sure that all instances of Example Mod are replaced by the details of your mod. And make sure your mod details at the top of the build.gradle file matches your mod details at the bottom (in the jar section).
  10. You have registered the SynchedEntityData variable DATA_IS_CHARGINGG twice. And your mob should work fine and be more code efficient if you don't bother getting the attributes in the constructor.
  11. Oh, thanks I felt dumb after posting this I deleted but here it is. And yes, I found my BlockItem instance in my Item registration class.
  12. If mc doesn't like your code in an Overridden function, it decides not to run that code and shows you the issue with the "does not override or implement a method from its supertype" error. You will see that if you remove the Override annotation, then there will be no action icon in the margin cos mc is unwilling to run it. To fix it, you must recreate mc acceptable code.
  13. Villagers spawn various particles
  14. In your build.gradle file your versions are not identical. The version must match the Specification-Version
  15. That log has so many errors it's a wonder mc loaded at all. Not fit for multiplayer.
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