I cannot get my custom entities to spawn naturally in the world. They spawn successfully from a spawn egg. I have tried a video and did what they said, but still doesn't work.
I put this in the entity's class:
public static boolean canSpawn(EntityType<CarnAchillobator> entityType, ServerLevelAccessor levelAccessor, MobSpawnType mobSpawnType, BlockPos pos, RandomSource randomSource) {
return Monster.checkMonsterSpawnRules(entityType, levelAccessor, mobSpawnType, pos, randomSource);
I this in the main class:
public static void registerSpawnPlacementsEvent(@NotNull SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent event) {
event.register(ModEntities.ACHILLOBATOR.get(), SpawnPlacements.Type.ON_GROUND, Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE, CarnAchillobator::canSpawn, SpawnPlacementRegisterEvent.Operation.AND);
In the modid/biome_modifier directory, spawn_achillobator.json file:
"type": "forge:add_spawns",
"biomes": [
"spawners": {
"type": "wilddinos:achillobator",
"weight": 100,
"minCount": 1,
"maxCount": 1