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Everything posted by SkenonS

  1. Well, that's a whole lot of info Thanks!
  2. And how would I go about doing that?
  3. Yes, I was hoping for something like that, can you please tell me does that also require a client-side mod? I was under the impression that any tampering with the registry requires that?
  4. Isn't that non-flowing variant only a "full" block of liquid? What I mean if the lowest level of let's say water tries to flow over, wouldn't this change it to a full block of water? Also when that water tries to drain, would that stationary block prevent that, be "undrainable"?
  5. Exactly! 1. Forge doesn't have that capability, at least not yet 2. Very possible, but as far as I know that constitutes as a requirement for a core mod, and I am not very willing to do that I'm experimenting with SpongeForge right now, there is hope. I'll report back, maybe you could port your mod to Sponge, It's almost a must-have for Forge servers, so optimized
  6. That part is easy, I did that, the problem lies in those "whatever actions", because you can't prevent that block from trying to flow again in a few ticks. And if I need to constantly delete fluid blocks that go over the line, well, then that's a very vulnerable system, isn't it? Anybody with a hill and a bucket can overwhelm my block updates for all eternity. Draining, filling, motion and spilled are all subevents of this. As @diesieben07 and @Draco18s said, forge can't do this, at least not on larger scales. And as it turns out, SpongeForge might not either.
  7. Well, that's it for me I'm out of ideas...
  8. Try to download a .jar from some other website.
  9. From last night, did you install any new software? Visited any sites that you wouldn't usually? Added any browser extensions? If nothing else there is a small(very very small) possibility that you providers DNS is currently not functioning for Curse's file servers, again, very unlikely. Try to go and download a forge .jar from the official site, if that doesn't work either it's something with your system 100%
  10. VPN? Proxy? Firewall? AntiVirus? Do you have/use any of these? When did this first start happening?
  11. That would remove all flowing water everywhere? I just need to block it on some chunk borders, if it's flowing between/ inside chunks of the same territory I want it to behave naturally.
  12. I'm obsessed with efficiency so that's fine, but still, that only gives me knowledge of when the block was placed, it would be up to me to return that block to air, and without a way to block further updates that would start the process all over again , with many of these blocks in the world constantly trying to "break through" that would destroy my tick time. Did I understand that correctly?
  13. Doesn't even need to be "will be", if there is a way for me to know which block "placed" which, like that event for cobble and obsidian but for liquid blocks, I can just immediately return it to air. I already did that by some method. Only then I would need to block further block updates from originating from that replacement. I have not managed to do that, not even close, any ideas?
  14. EDIT: Not Possible(At least in 1.12.2), consider this closed Here is what I need: Chunk claiming system, blocking all block updates between claimed and unclaimed chunks so to speak. Specifically here, fluid flow over some chunk borders. Everything is server-side. What I tried: - BlockEvent.FluidPlaceBlockEvent, canceling it even completely does nothing in this case, it blocks cobble and obsidian creation, so still useful. - BlockEvent.NeighborNotifyEvent, canceling it even completely again, does nothing for this. It does prevent fluids from clearing up after the source is removed... But not the other way around. - FluidEvent. *, seems to be for containers, some kind of a fluid API? Non the less not applicable to this. I tried this in SpongeForge and got somewhere but, in short, some bizarre and buggy behavior made more problems than it solved... **So my question is:** Is this even possible in Forge? I saw that you can manipulate source block merging and block creation from a liquid, this leads me to believe that forge can do this. Version: 1.12.2 recommended ps. it would be amazing if @diesieben07 could roast my ass, this is my first post. And reading his(I presume) sarcasm filled icy cold buckets of replies to dumb questions made my day so many times
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