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    Hell, MI
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    trash programmer, even trasher communication

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  1. I’m not. I was just asking in case I started to do something and then someone presented a solution for something else. I’ll try that when I can.
  2. How would I "increase the drop chance?" Currently I have no loot tables or any of the sort set up. Would it just be spawning the item entity?
  3. To be more specific: I have a chance for a item to drop when killed normally. However, it's ridiculously small, so it basically means you'd have to be really lucky to get the drop. However, there's an item in my mod, that lets you significantly increase the chances of this item being dropped. How would I do that?
  4. Wow. Never really thought of that. Thanks.
  5. It's going to just be code that randomly checks if there is a certain container nearby and move the itemstack into it. Not sure how that would contribute to this.
  6. I’ve been reading up on capabilities, but capabilities seem like something used to store different types of data or lists of data. What would be the best way to store an integer in an itemstack?
  7. I’m trying to run code every tick for every itemstack currently loaded.
  8. Would it be possible to override functionality of the vanilla chest from the mod?
  9. Generally anywhere. Like if it's in a player inventory, or a chest inventory (as long as it's loaded) or on the floor?
  10. I'm trying to call a function every tick for each ItemStack that is a type of my Item. How would I do that?
  11. I’m not trying to achieve anything atm. I just want to know what I can do with it and how. I just want someone to break down some of the information provided in the documents because I don’t really understand it. But, because it will be a complete waste of time rewording everything, lets just say I want to make power levels for an item. This item carrys only a single integer that cannot be higher than 20. How would I implement the capability system to do such thing?
  12. Thanks. It should work now. Lock request.
  13. Alright, may have jumped to conclusions there. But why is SOOCH null? According to the Forge Documentation: "After the Register<Block> event has fired, all ObjectHolder annotations are refreshed, and after Register<Item> has fired they are refreshed again." Which means that SOOCH should've been injected, but it's null. Is it not injecting because of the uppercased SOOCH variable? I was told before that it automatically lowercases and *then* checks for injection.
  14. So, I have two SubscribeEvent methods. One registers all my items (1 so far) and the other registers the models on the client. From many other tutorials, I've seen many styles of this, but they are all different. I'm using this one from cubicoder's tutorial. Here's the problem though. Item registering comes after the model registries. Which means that SoochItems.SOOCH is null when the model register events are called. How do I handle this? Should I just initialize all of my items in an array? This gets rid of the entire point of ObjectHolder, so I wasn't tempted to do it. As I said, every tutorial I can find conflicts in some way. What do I do?
  15. I didn't really understand the Forge Capabilities docs and I was asking if someone could help me digest the information. Things I understand: Capabilities provide a way to save data, like energy or inventories. How am I supposed to change data about a tile entity using capabilities? I understand how to create a custom capability, but after that I was lost.
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