I'm certain this is an invalid operator error; I would appreciate any guidance you could provide to help me narrow down the root cause.
I'm attempting to manually install minecraftforge-server- into a vanilla minecraft_server.jar
I've followed the instructions at http://minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Server
I'm working on a MAC running OS 10.7.4 with Java 1.6.0_33
I've manually extracted the minecraft_server.jar file to a working folder.
And done the same for minecraftforge-server- zip
I then copied the Forge files to server files and verified that everything copied.
I packaged it back up.
Moved the server file into place and ran it.
It did not execute far enough to generate a ModLoader.txt (assuming it still will being integrated) and the stack trace info I have is above in spoilers.
I downloaded a fresh minecraftServer.jar file, ran the file before extracting to ensure it worked then completed the steps described above.
In looking through the previous posts and searching other sources, the only way to generate a "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
minecraft_server.jar" error is for the manifest to be messed up or for files to be missing.
I've retried all of this deleting the META-INF folder per earlier comments about installing mod loader as a dependancy.
Thoughts on where to go next? Back to school is a valid answer, but I'm hoping for something a little more tactical.