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Everything posted by dawnsin

  1. so me and a few friends have been using bukkit to play minecraft multiplayer but the problem i ran into is i can't seem to get forge to work for bukkit can someone tell me how to install it right so i make sure im not doing somthing wrong?
  2. found the problem they didn't open the game as admin befor running
  3. only forge that was as far as my friend got when trying to do it but it wouldn't get past the done loading screen
  4. forge is Forge 3.3.7 Minecraft 1.2.5 and no logs it didn't save any
  5. a friend of mine was trying to install forge on there computer today but everytime they install it the game wont do anything after the loading done screen it just freezes there this is on a clean jar file is there anyway to fix it?
  6. all i did was do a full clean install of forge then installed OptiFine 1.2.5_HD_MT_C3 the one i was using befor it turned out to only be a preview file of the newer optifine and i didn't see that so it was giving the problem
  7. found my problem it was the optifine i was using changed it and got it fixed sorry for wasting time.
  8. when i tried to install forge yeasterday the lava wouldn't show anymore and after i did a reinstall (removed minecraft installed it again reinstalled forge) it was still doing it and i also had a problem were it was hanging on loading done after that it just stopped is there anyway to fix this?
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