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Posts posted by BigBang1112

  1. Empty Forge doesn't cause piston crashes.

    It's not consistent but it needs to be investigated more as it makes Minecraft unplayable.

    This is one of the cases where it has to be tested with mods loaded. Even though you refuse to test with mods, remember that people will respond about piston crashes in their way soon, massively. I recommend focussing on this asap.


    I managed to reproduce it with three mods each, which don't touch pistons in any way:

    CC Tweaked - Crashes on piston extension

    Iron Chests - Crashes on piston retraction

    Iron Shulkerboxes - Crashes on piston extension


    I also tested Roughly Enough Items which on the other hand doesn't cause piston crashes (perhaps for its client sideness).


    I hope this info will give you a better idea about the issue. Crash logs are pretty much the same all the time.

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