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  1. I'm saving and storing the position at a different point. I know it's accurate in my testing cases because I'm also displaying the entity's coordinates, and if I manually teleport to them I can verify the entity is there.
  2. Huh, well that's more straightforward than I expected. Good to know, thanks! Entity here is still coming back null, though. Do I need to retrieve the entity differently? Right now I'm doing it like this- serverLevel.getChunk(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z); Entity entity = serverLevel.getEntity(uuidIn);
  3. Hey all, I'm wondering if there's a way to forceload a chunk instantly in 1.18.2. I'm updating an older mod from 1.16, and in that version of the game I was able to do so just by calling serverWorld.forceChunk(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z, false); which would then enable me to access the Chunk at that location and get a list of the entities inside it (which is my end goal here as well). However, although in 1.18 I still have the ability to call serverLevel.setChunkForced(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z, false); it no longer seems to load the chunk immediately, but instead (from my understanding) submits a ticket to load it on the next tick. This is problematic for my use case, as my goal is to load the chunk, access an entity within it, and then deload the chunk on completion, which I can no longer do in a single tick with this method. LevelChunks also don't seem to contain a list of entities anymore in 1.18, and seem to have less automated functions connected to them, which could I suppose also be the source of my issue. Is there a way to load a chunk instantaneously from its coordinates and immediately access the entities within it?
  4. Update: After much more digging, I finally found an answer: Microsoft must've changed something on their end that altered authentication. If multiplayer is showing as disabled for you, you need to follow the steps listed here to get your access token from a profile that authenticates normally outside the dev environment: https://gist.github.com/50ap5ud5/beebcf056cbdd3c922cc8993689428f4#minecraft-authentication-in-dev-environments In my case it turned out I just needed my access token, it may or may not still need the UUID. The guide is older so I don't know how many versions it will hold up in, but in my case this did seem to be what Eclipse was looking for.
  5. Is there a setting I need to enable to allow me to use multiplayer through Eclipse? Launching the client works, but the multiplayer and realms button are greyed out and hovering over them gives me a "multiplayer is disabled" tooltip that asks me to check my Microsoft account settings, which is... not great for testing purposes. I know on the server end you have to put it in offline mode to be able to sign in, but I've never seen it have this happen on the client end.
  6. Oh! I will take a look at those methods, thank you! Do entities written as NBT using the built-in methods to write them to NBT tend to be particularly bulky? That's my biggest concern here. I'm hoping many of them won't be, but I'm especially worried about the sort that can actually have inventories. I need to save the data for them, ideally a potentially large quantity without having to worry about overloading anything, into a capability, but if that's likely to get out of control quickly, I'll have to figure out how to cap it.
  7. Hey all, This is another mostly theoretical question-- how much data can a capability be reasonably expected to store without getting overwhelmed and crashing (and more importantly, how does that practically correspond to the amount seen in items, entities, etc.). I've seen cases where modpacks have experienced crashes due to players putting full storage containers in storage containers in storage containers, but even when the crash occurred, it seemed like it took a lot to get to that point. If I want to create capabilities that can store the data for example of a storage container, or write the data of a bunch of entities to a capability, for example, at what point should I be concerned about storing too much data? Or is it something that I likely don't need to worry about because it really only occurs when someone is storing many full chests' worth of items within a single inventory? Thank you for your time, and have a great day.
  8. Well, right, the exact drops each time are random, but if I can get the list of what items are possible then I can compare that to the ItemStacks given in the drop event to see what to rule out as a probable natural drop. But thank you! I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.
  9. Thank you! And ooooh hm, alright, well that's a start... at the very least sounds like that's my EXP issue solved. Is there a way to get the possible list of drops from a loot table in code? And how would I go about getting the loot table from an entity? At the very least, it seems like that could give me a slightly dirty solution of killing anything that matches up with the loot table. It's not perfect because if the entity is carrying an item it can also drop, it would still get destroyed. But that would cover most cases...
  10. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to approach a feature I'd like to include in a mod (I don't have code to show for it yet because it doesn't exist yet, I'm still determining how to go about it in the first place). In essence, I want to cancel the loot and exp drops specifically, not the entire drop event as a whole. This is conditional per entity in a way I'm pretty sure the loot tables themselves can't detect, so I can't just replace the loot table for all entities. Redirecting it to a blank one would be an acceptable solution if I can do so from within the mod. I also can't just cancel drops as a whole because I want entities with gear to still be able to drop it, nor can I override based on a list of specific predefined entities because I'd like to make this as flexible as possible. So the basic outcome I'm looking for is... Death/Drops Event is intercepted and if the entity matches the criteria-- -It will NOT drop exp -It will NOT drop its normal loot table drops -It WILL drop any gear that has been equipped to it Does this seem like something that would be possible to do, and if so, could someone point me toward some resources/examples on how I might be able to pull it off? I'm mostly not sure what events I would even need to look at, or how to catch and alter what loot table it's pulling from. Thank you for your time.
  11. Oh, thank you! That helped me figure it out! Looks like what I was looking for was ItemTags.getAllTags().getTagOrEmpty(location).contains(item) It appears to be functioning now!
  12. Alright... so what does that mean I need to do to access them in 1.16.5? How do I convert the code to use the Mojang names? I'm struggling to find any real examples of what the differences between them actually are.
  13. Hello, I'm trying to access the items in a custom tag list, but I'm having a very hard time figuring out how to do so. The Forge documentation is telling me to use ItemTags.getCollection().getOrCreateTag(myTagId).contains(unknownItem); but ItemTags in 1.16.5 doesn't have a getCollection() method. I thought maybe this was getAllTags() now but that doesn't have a getOrCreateTag(myTagId) function. Trying to use getTag(location) throws a null error, and getTagOrEmpty(location) appears to return an empty tag. So I'm kind of at a loss. How is one meant to go about setting up custom tags for a mod in 1.16.5? For clarity's sake, I'm trying to make a tag along the lines of "modid:my_tag" and then access that from within the Java code.
  14. Dang, still didn't upload right. Sorry Eesh, that's unfortunate. I'll have to poke around with it some more, but it may just not be doable. Is there a way to manually trigger the reload event? The one idea in my head currently is to have a boolean to see if the files have been updated, and if not, manually trigger the reload the first time it tries to run the biome event. But that sounds like it could be a bit dodgy so I'm not sure if that'd work... Thank you for your help nonetheless.
  15. Argh. Not used to github, hopefully this version works... https://github.com/JayZX535/mcbiomespawner Also, it definitely seems to me that the issue is that the datapack loads after the event runs. I ran a dedicated server and looked at the logs, and I can see my debug statements from the BiomeLoadingEvent running before the ones that get the information from the datapack. I'm just not certain how to solve that problem, unfortunately...
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