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Everything posted by Intrigued_Voyager

  1. My worst fear realized... ? Thanks for telling me though. Is there any way to recover deleted saves without them corrupting, or is corruption a given for this situation and I should give up hope? I dont want to waste my time.
  2. After reinstalling my OS, I forgot that Minecraft files would not be saved and thus everything from mods to worlds got wiped. I used file recovery software to restore my brother's old save, but I can't seem to load into it as it crashes each time after spending a few moments on the loading screen. It gives me this error: The game crashed whilst ticking memory connectionError: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -3333804 The full log: https://pastebin.com/GfA7tpUJ Considering my tale I'm just hoping it's something fixable and not... yknow. A corrupted save. That would suck immensely. I tried looking into the problem but I found nothing quite like it and no solutions that could solve it.
  3. I got the chrome extension StopModReposts. Consider me signed up for the repost war! Also, after redownloading all my mods, updating my Java version to the latest 64-bit version, and updating my forge version to the latest, it seems like everything is working! My server hasn't crashed in ages and I'm crossing my fingers it won't happen again.
  4. Dang. So I'm guessing it's just a big mod repost site? I'll root out the mods I got from 9minecraft and get them from curseforge.
  5. A mix from 9minecraft and curseforge.
  6. Alright. I was hesitant to do so before, since I interpreted the bug next to it meaning it's a build still in development, like a snapshot.
  7. I'm at my wit's end. I've had this server I use to play modded survival with my brother working fine, but after the addition of some new mods, it crashes within seconds or minutes of logging in. There doesn't seem to be any correlation in how long it takes to crash. The crash reports blame the same culprit each time; Exception ticking world java.util.ConcurrentModificationException. I've deleted and re-added and updated all my newest mods but nothing seems to help. I've included the entire modlist jiic someone knows any combinations of mods that aren't compatible. All of this is in 1.12.2. Here are the newest mods added today and their required mods: dense metals (req. orespawn) metamorph mod (req. mclib) ichuns hat mod (req. ichun util) rock candy doggy talents simple teleporters mod natura mod (req. mantle mod) Fossils and Archeology Revival mod (req. llibrary) The rest worked fine together in the past so no worries there. And finally, the crash log: *Note: When I ran the game w/o the fossils mod and the llibrary mod, the report would include "llibrary (llibrary-core-1.0.11-1.12.2.jar)" in between "coremods are present:" and "Contact their authors." Not sure if that means anything useful. EDIT: I'm running my server on forge-1.12.2- EDIT EDIT: I just saw the read first article. Didn't know there was one... I'll try that stuff right now and will update later. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Alright, I went over everything mentioned and it didn't help/I was already doing that stuff.
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