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Posts posted by TheMadderBadger

  1. Hello,


    In the ExampleMod for Forge for 1.13.2 there are various code snippets and I am trying to work out which ones are necessary (absolutely must be used), recommended (a well written mod for 1.13.2 would be expected to have this (but will work without) or for optimal performance) and which are optional (useful if the mod requires that functionality but otherwise not necessary).


    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();

    I assume that writes to the log files and is therefore recommended, (is there guidance somewhere on what to log, for non-developmental versions of code?).



    I'm guessing that tells Forge to call our private void setup method during mod loading. Hence it's theoretically optional, only required if we need to perform actions during setup (common to both client and server).



    I am assuming that these are optional and only needed if interacting with other mods.



    I'm guessing we are inserting code into the client startup method. Hence it's optional, only required if we need to perform actions during setup (client only).

    The code would therefore run on the client.


        public void onServerStarting(FMLServerStartingEvent event) {

    I'm guessing we are adding an event handler to the server startup method. Hence it's optional, only required if we need to perform actions during setup (server only).

    The code would therefore run on the server.


    [EDIT] This next part is answered by this post.

    // You can use EventBusSubscriber to automatically subscribe events on the contained class (this is subscribing to the MOD
        // Event bus for receiving Registry Events)
        public static class RegistryEvents {

    This feels necessary since otherwise we won't know about any events post startup but I am unsure of its scope or if there are other ways to hook into runtime events.



    Thanks in advance for any help offered,


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