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  1. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm merely trying to explain my reasoning as to why I came here, I think I explained it pretty well in my last post but you seem to have skipped some of the details but nevermind. Thanks for the reply though, I'll take this to the mod creator then.
  2. Okay, bear with me here, maybe I'm just too stupid to correctly pinpoint the issue here but let me just explain my thought process on this. I have two mods - Mo' Creatures and More Creeps and Weirdos. Mo' Creatures works, More Creeps and Weirdos doesn't. That one needs CustomMobSpawner to work, apparently, as the readme states. I start up a game, I see that More Creeps and Weirdos doesn't load, so I check the log and see that CMS didn't load because it's not a mod. Then when I check the minecraft forums, I see several other people are having the same problem as me, and apparently few people got it to work with and older version of Forge. So with all this information that I've gathered, I thought the best place to go ask for help, is a Forge forum.
  3. Jeez, fine, sorry I was hoping for someone that would actually help me with a not working mod. I said I'm trying to get "More Creeps and Weirdos" to work, and that this mod needs the MobSpawner. I can see the mod is loaded in the game but it doesn't spawn any of the mobs, and I tried fiddling with the options a bit, and restarting, and creating new worlds. And since I saw that in the log that it didn't load the MobSpawner I thought the problem was in Forge. So, once again, sorry for not being super-knowledgeable about how Forge works. I guess I'll need to go look for help somewhere else. EDIT: Because look at this - That's from the minecraft forums. I mean, it was working at one point.
  4. Look, I wouldn't be posting here if I didn't do that already. I tried putting it in the "mods" folder like the readme says - that just gives me the "contains no mods" message. And as you pointed out, that's not anything out of the ordinary. If I try to manually put it into the minecraft.jar file, it doesn't do anything. So I thought, since some older version of Forge apparently ran this thing, you guys would be able to help me. I'm asking for help, if you can't or don't know how to help me, then say so and I'll just go about my business. Thank you
  5. But that's the thing, Mo' Creatures works for me but More Creeps and Weirdos doesn't. The latter needing the MobSpawner that Texasjake95 linked. What should I do, then?
  6. Hello, my issue is that Forge keeps failing to load CustomMobSpawner(CMS) when I launch Minecraft. What it does is it actually loads it but drops it because it contains no mods. Snippet from log: I've tried "injecting" the files into minecraft.jar but that did not help(also tried using MCPatcher but I believe that's the same as manually putting the files into the .jar file). I've read on the minecraft forums that older version of Forge successfully loaded CMS but I can't say from my own experience. Anyhow, here's my ModLoader.txt: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19096959/ModLoader.txt and ForgeModLoader.log if it is of any use: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19096959/ForgeModLoader-0.log Thanks guy, let me know if you need any more info on this.
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