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  1. Having the same issues when it comes to adding custom loot to dungeons, the docs aren't any help either I've noticed. It seems the way it was done in 1.13 isn't working for 1.14 anymore since part of the code is now private. Any help on that end would also be appreciated.
  2. And about the lack of "popular" mods for 1.14.4, keep in mind that the recommended version for 1.14.4 was released just a couple of days ago, I'm sure some of them are on their way to 1.14.4.
  3. As it says in the report, contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge. So it would be best to contact the authors of omlib as that seems to be what's the issue.
  4. Don't use cracked launchers and/or cracked versions of the game, buy the game and use the default launcher.
  5. Got it to work with EntityType.spawn; @SubscribeEvent public static void onKill(LivingDeathEvent event) { Entity source = event.getSource().getTrueSource(); if(source instanceof PlayerEntity && !((PlayerEntity) source).isCreative()) { if (event.getEntity() instanceof ChickenEntity && event.getEntity() != null) { World world = event.getEntity().world; BlockPos pos = event.getEntity().getPosition(); if (Math.chance(Config.CHICKEN_CHANCE.get())) { Chat.fromServer(onKilledMessage(source), false); EntityType.CREEPER.spawn(world, new ItemStack(Items.DIRT), (PlayerEntity)null, pos, SpawnReason.MOB_SUMMONED, true, false); } } else { Criterion.LOGGER.debug("Oh no, player killed something else!"); } } }
  6. So I've been playing around with Events a bit and the server has a 75% chance of sending a message out if the player kills a certain entity. But I want the server to spawn a Creeper instead or just sending a message. I've been trying with both world.addEntity and WorldEntitySpawner but can't get the entity to spawn, I also tried hooking into entitytype.spawn since that's what some classes use internally but no luck. Anyone have any tips on how to spawn entities from events, or could point me in the right direction? Fix posted below.
  7. Could be the case, it works when I click Execute Gradle Task, so it's not lost, it just wasn't showing up under tasks > fg_runs, but after clicking on stuff I found Execute Gradle Task and can run the task from there.
  8. Yeah, not there, never had that task, not with 1.13.2 either, don't know about 1.12.2 or earlier though, have it in the terminal in the included gradlew file, .gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, but not in IDEA for some reason, everything works regardless for me so.
  9. setupDecompWorkspace doesn't seem to exists though. Task 'setupDecompWorkspace' not found in root project '1.14.4'.
  10. I can't seem to get the runClient task to show up in IntelliJ's Gradle tab anymore when starting a clean copy on any 1.14 MDK, I can get it in the 1.13.2 version though, anyone has any idea on how to fix it? Gradle builds aren't my strong suit, I know it's their, because gradlew runclient works, it's just now showing up in IntelliJ anymore. FIX I clicked the Gradle elephant icon on the sidebar, the execute gradle tasks, and I could just write in runClient and it ran, still not sure why it doesn't show up under fg_runs when it's there...
  11. Yeah, inside Intellij, and that's the only error I get.
  12. I downloaded the latest MDK, which is 1.13.2-25.0.191 and the gradle build fails, 1.13.2-25.0.190 works fine for me but the newest one fails, the strange thing is the error I think. error: cannot find symbol class GiantTreeTaigaHillsBiome register(33, "giant_tree_taiga_hills", new GiantTreeTaigaHillsBiome()); ^ symbol: class GiantTreeTaigaHillsBiome location: class Biome Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
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